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Monday, July 01, 2013


'This is great for our kids,

a moment we can all celebrate'


  1. It's nothing great about that lifestyle. Especially mixing kids into homosexuality.

  2. They're gay? Give me a break, the homos are out of control.

  3. Makes me sick..... The amount of moral decay these days is just awful

  4. Can anyone else see how demonic it is to push sexuality on children

  5. the world is going to hell in a handbasket....

  6. My children never watched Sesame Street when they were little. We taught them their alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes and such. I was not big in all these talking animal characters nor the very liberal minded people associated with Sesame Street. They did not miss out on this show. Our grandchildren do not watch Sesame Street now, and for that I am extremely thankful. While there are some halfway decent things that may, from time to time, be presented it does not outway the stuff that I chose to protect my children from. As a parent, I felt it was our responsibility to talk with our children, at the appropriate time, about things and why we did, or did not, believe it to be right or wrong. We have children that have wonderful work ethics, are working hard to raise their children to be moral, ethical, polite, respectful people. It is not an easy job, but it is the PARENTS responsibility, not the job of the television, the school teacher, or anyone else--it is the responsibility of the PARENT/legal guardian to love and teach their child/children. What a wonderful, precious job that is. It is not always easy but the end result can be very rewarding. GOD loaned our children to us for us to raise to love HIM first and love others secondly and love themselves last. We have done our best and allowed GOD to speak to each child's heart.

  7. Classic! Our society can take a children's show depicting a FRIENDSHIP between to male characters and turn it into something that it is not for their own selfish purposes. I can't believe this.


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