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Thursday, July 11, 2013

And YOU Want More Corporate Restaurants In Salisbury


  1. No doubt he will not have a job after that video!

  2. @9:06
    And you think thats ok? I'm glad someone is looking out for us because we all know corporations would never do that.

  3. Good for the SALISBURY FIRE DEPT.

  4. Golden corral has the worst food. Anyone who eats there is crazy

  5. Golden Coral is a feeding trough. If you think you are getting high quality food at a place that charges as little as they do and put the commercials on tv showing how great the food is supposed to look you're crazy. The one in sby is a dump!

  6. The actions in the video were the result of an INDIVIDUAL not because it was a corporate brand restaurant. Mishandling of food can happen anywhere if the people entrusted with the food don't follow the safeguards in place by the restaurant or local health department. Many times the restaurant themselves have stricter guidelines on food safety because its their name out there and they want to protect the brand. My family and I regularly eat at the Golden Corral in Salisbury and enjoy it. Its clean, the food is great, and we love the staff.

  7. @2:08

    Nice try Golden Corral PR shill.

    Yes, it can happen anywhere but it will happen more at major chains, fact. Small family owned resturants tend to care more about individual customers then chains because those are the people that they depend on.

    Why wont Golden Corral care aside the short term pr backlash? There will always be more sheeple coming to the feeding trough because Americans are lazy and dont know any better.

    If you think Golden Corral has great food then perhaps you should try something else then reheated garbage, who knows, you may even like it!

  8. We tried the Golden Corral in Salisbury twice. We were not satisfied at all either time. The one in Frederick is pretty good though. I find that happens a lot in this area. The Bob Evans in Frederick was great......not the one here in Salisbury.

  9. This is real people, don't think that this is a one time event! Happens everyday, somewhere!

  10. Why wasn't shown on vid, te inspectors out by the dumpster?

  11. My relative worked for the City of SBY . Some of the tails that were told by the guys who inspected our local restaurants would make your stomach turn, believe me! Restaurants thought to be of higher class by we locals were found to have the greatest filth!!

    Our family likes Golden Coral here in SBY & enjoy eating there .Have frequented it for several yrs --still living & will be going back too!!Just like all restaurants nationwide----there's good & bad in All of! them

  12. Most chain restaurants are run by families who became franchises of restaurants just like other family run businesses just operating under a "brand" They care just as much about each individual person that patronizes their business as the next person. To say otherwise would just be a overstated opinion. You never say the inspectors on the video bc the kid "Brandon" who shot the video had his dad call and try to get Golden Corral to pay them 5000 for the video. when they didnt he blasted it on YouTube. What he left out of the video was that someone not trying to score some extra cash..called the area manager when they brought the food back into the store and into the freezer. The food was immediately discarded and never served and the kid that shot the video was one of the ones that threw all the contaminated food in the trash. They terminated the manager, rightly so, and im sure they are going to be closely watched by there local health dept. very closely. Glad no one got served the food and something will be done to clean that place up. Removing the individuals who dont follow the rules and put others at risk is a good start. There was alot to the story but most just watched the video or heard parts on the news. I dont like eating reheated food. I stay away from fast foods that are microwaved and processed. Alot of good restaurants in Salisbury that serve fresh wholesome food and Golden Corral to me is one of them. They cut their own meat, get fresh produce in everyday from local farmers, and make alot of what they offer from scratch. Sounds good to me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  13. "They cut their own meat, get fresh produce in everyday from local farmers, and make alot of what they offer from scratch."

    Have any proof to back that up? I can tell you right now local farmers do not provide fresh local produce to golden corral. Still coming off as a shill.


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