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Sunday, July 21, 2013

AG Calls Martin Killing An 'Unnecessary Shooting'

Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday the killing of Trayvon Martin was a "tragic, unnecessary shooting" and that the 17-year-old's death provides an opportunity for the nation to speak honestly about complicated and emotionally charged issues.

In his first comments since the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the Martin case, the attorney general said that Martin's parents have suffered a pain that no parent should have to endure. He said the nation must not forgo an opportunity toward better understanding of one another.

On Sunday, the Justice Department said it is reviewing evidence in the case to determine whether criminal civil rights charges are warranted.



  1. I wonder how the AG would feel if his head was being slammed on the ground?


  2. Well, now that the evidence is in, you will have to deal with the fact that it was, in fact, a necessary shooting. Sorry about your luck, but a jury has spoken.

  3. so what's our ag have to say about all the senseless black on black killings in baltimore every stinkin day? are they not as tragic or as unnecessary? or is it just cause it's black on black that he don't want to talk about them? the thug got what he deserved! if more of this would happen maybe people of every color would think twice before starting something! or better yet maybe if the so called kid had parents who actually lived together and gave a sh@t about his welfare and raised and taught him how to be a better person this kind of crap would happen alot less! but you'll never hear that from any who sympathize about this!

  4. maybe if somebody bangs the A/G's head into a concrete sidewalk he would change his opinion.

  5. Didn't these people see the testimony and evidence?

  6. Go ahead, stir that pot, it will hit you in the face. Go home, it's over.

  7. It was very necessary, period.

  8. 8:19 I'm with you. There is no reason for him to stir the pot. He and Obama are in enough prejudice issues now. People, even Democrats are getting tired of it.

  9. This is ground to impeach him as the "Attorney General" -- he's a racist of a different color.

  10. Sounds like he was a witness.., shouldn't he have testified?

  11. No they didn't 8:11. Greta Van Susteren just gave a good old public slap down to some Martin family lawyer chick for criticizing the jury.
    Greta told her she would put her career up against hers any day.
    The dumb chick tried to sell among other things that a million people are unhappy with the verdict and Greta flat out told her it is ludicrous to think those million people even watched the whole trial. Then the chick tried to talk more smack and Greta said "gotta go it was nice having you." HaHaHa-Greta dismissed her!

  12. Why do they keep using that picture of him when he was 13? Why aren't they showing what he looked like at 17?

  13. Was fast & furious and Benghazi necessary? How about the folks that died in those debacles, anybody in DC give a sh*t?

  14. I am SURE that the AG is investigating the white man beaten by 3 black men who said it was "for Trayvon",,,,oh wait a minute--how could I forget...they don't care about black on white crime...like the young white boy that had gasoline poured on him by a group of young black kids, lit on fire while they called him "whitey" and other racial things...

  15. Meanwhile, back in Chicago...

  16. This coming from the same AG who lied to congress about his knowledge of selling guns to Mexican drug lords. We need a new AG.... Preferably one that doesn't lie and buckle under political pressures

  17. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 16, 2013 at 8:54 AM

    How about that little white girl who was killed over some parts for her bicycle by 2 black boys? What about her family? Got any "headline news" about that, Holder? Oh, doesn't fit the agenda? Was it neccesary to spend TAXPAYERS MONEY in Florida to finance those racially motivated protests? How about Fast & Furious, when will we see an investigation on that one?

  18. Holder is an A$$. No one respects his opinion unless they are brain dead.

  19. Can anyone see the diversion potential in all of this.If only for a little while a lot of really important issues and atrocities can be semi forgotten.Those who have the most to hide are of course the ones who are bringing the most attention to this case.


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