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Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 7-12-13

Once again what's the big deal about the firemen eating lunch? As you may or may not be able to tell, the place where they are eating is very close to the firehouse. In case of a fire, they will be able to respond quickly. I'm a firm believer in "what goes around comes around". Lets hope that you people who have nothing better to do than harass the firefighters, won't need them. When we see them out eating lunch, we should actually offer to pay for their lunch. They put their lives on the line every time they help one of you a**holes that are harassing them.


  1. No one is complaining about them eating lunch, just leave the $500,000 trucks at the station and take their own vehicles like everyone else has to do. Better yet, if it's so close maybe they should walk, exercise doesn't hurt anyone.

  2. I get so tired of hearing "cops and firemen put their lives on the line". Most of us have risks on the job but don't require hero status to boost our already inflated egos. If I am building a public housing project and fall of the roof and break my neck, does that make me a hero? Why not?

  3. They are no better than anyone else! I will NOT buy their lunch! Take some money out of one of those boots they are always sticking out for money!

  4. i'm sure that palace of a new fire station has a very exceptional kitchen.
    i'm sick of seeing fire trucks and ems vehicles parked in front of
    giant, where little ceasars is, literrally every time i'm out, i see one parked in the back of a lot, and they are inside buying food. not to cook, but ready to eat.

    wasting my tax dollars on gas and being paid to eat no doubt.
    they should not be allowed to eat anywhere with ready to eat meals. but make a trip to the grocery store and have food on hand to cook, or bring their own.
    i'm also tired of the "put their lives on the line". they signed up for that. not to eat at fast food joints on my dime.
    do their job, shut up, and eat at the fire station.

  5. I too am disgusted when employees abuse power, but in this type of instance or police getting coffee ,etc... LEAVE THEM ALONE

  6. The reason they take the truck is in case they get a call. they can respond from where they are. Stop picking on the fire dept and focus on the really troubling problems in our community. Crime is up, taxes are outrageous, we are losing our liberty and freedom daily, unemployment is high, the cost of everything is high, I could go on and on.
    I don't believe anyone is a hero just for doing a dangerous job. A real hero is someone who does something extraordinary without regards to their own life or safety to save. help or protect someone else.
    Leave your firefighters alone. Be thankful they don't have 20 calls a day, because that means you are safe and not suffering tragedy.

  7. They put their lives on the line usually due to incompetence, stupidity, poor training and zeal.

  8. its not about being a hero.. never has been.. Its about doing a job NO body wants to do.

    You are building and in construction, you are a hero to your kids, family for working. THats your choice of work, just like firefighters and Police Officers.

    Difference, they do things that they know are going to harm them. You get hurt its an accident. THey do things that are most likely going to get them hurt. THey cant leave equipment, the response time will slow down then you jerks will complain about that

    JOE - let this go, they are not the ones who lost your election. You have some good posts, but you need to let this one go...

  9. It's about the money a**hole. Always has been. Our local, state and federal government tax the living hell out of us and then "waste" a lot of it in very unnecessary ways. Most of us in our personal budgets can't afford the luxury of spending money the way government does. We are forced to be spendthrifts...government should as well. As far as the firemen and law enforcement are concerned...most would agree they're like the rest of us, just doing their job the best they can and receive a fair compensation for their efforts. We thank them and pay them for their efforts. But is does not give the politicians and the administrators the privlege of wasting taxpayer money. We are not harrassing them. We are harassing the a**holes who think like you! Jerk!

  10. This is just another branch of the government , which is also corrupt.
    I don't blame the firemen , but all the supervision should fired.

  11. ...just wondering...does the fire palace have a kitchen??

  12. I agree with 8:49:

    We all have risks at work...

    I don't know where you are getting your math but, station 16 is over by lake street, and well taylors bbq is over by shell near bennett, thats not close by any means you dumb ass...

    I also understand that they can get to calls faster provided they have a truck with them... I say let them use the trucks and if they do and it is to go to lunch then they pay for the gas with their OWN money, if something breaks or goes wrong, they USE THEIR OWN MONEY TO FIX IT... they get to use a truck while on the job yes, but why should I pay for them to ride around wasting gas?

    Same goes for cops, why do they need their cop cars at night when they are home playing wife? Why do they need to use a cop car to take their kids or wife or dog somewhere that is NOT ON THE CLOCK?

    Why should I have to pay soaring cost of gas prices, when the get to fill up their cop cars for free and then ride them all over hell and back speeding and talking on the phone? worse yet, why should I pay for their gas to put in their personal cars when they cant drive the cop cars? That is just plain fuicking wrong...

    I seen more cop cars smashed and ruined by cops who can't drive or who want to speed going from the cellular store to the wawa... for what? I have seen officers of the state police wreck not 1 but 2 police cars before they said hey, you can't take the cop car how anymore, use your personal cars... Then they use the state gas card to fill up their personal cars...

    I'm tired of being taxed to shit, while I can;t afford shit, because you people back abusers... if you're so fucking happy and ok with the abuse then give me your fucking money and STFU or offer up more money out of your pocket to pay for it...

    It seems the ones for the cops and fighters to use said cars and trucks must have TONS of money and don't care if it goes to waste... IF thats the case, then give it up yet I don't see you offering it up now are you? NOPE...

  13. Anonymous said...
    The reason they take the truck is in case they get a call. they can respond from where they are. Stop picking on the fire dept and focus on the really troubling problems in our community. Crime is up, taxes are outrageous, we are losing our liberty and freedom daily, unemployment is high, the cost of everything is high, I could go on and on.
    I don't believe anyone is a hero just for doing a dangerous job. A real hero is someone who does something extraordinary without regards to their own life or safety to save. help or protect someone else.
    Leave your firefighters alone. Be thankful they don't have 20 calls a day, because that means you are safe and not suffering tragedy.

    July 12, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    Is anyone else getting sick and tired of this lame excuse? As long as I am paying taxes for this expensive equipment and overpaid salaries I will not find this acceptable.

  14. Everyone one of you are going to be Like Comegies years ago when his house caught on fire. Send me the duty crew I need help.

    Thing is firefighters will do there job on all you worthless pieces of crap commenting on here.

    Wow what a change, not happy with government so lets take it out on hard working people who risk there life. I say lets stop Fire/EMS/Police service for one week. Lets see you cry then. Give them all a week off, and you all handle it on your own.

  15. Maybe your corrupt president should sign an executive order to not allow this, losers.

  16. For real---- NO ONE is complaining about them eating lunch.
    I personally think this commenter should be dismissed because it's obvious by their total lack of comprehension that they are a lost cause and could never see nor has the mentality to figure out wasting money is detrimental to all residents esp in these uncertain times.

  17. If they don't bring their food with them then how come they don't just have one person using their personal vehicle pick up food for everyone?
    If in fact there is a fire getting out of some of these busy parking lots isn't easy and could waste valuable time. That's a no brainer. The FD has traffic control lights to help, shopping centers dont'. It defies common sense to say they are being prepared. The best case for being prepared would be to be at the station the whole time. Putting themselves in a situation where they could be and would be caught up in traffic is being irresponsible putting aside even the waste issue.

  18. Why does this commenter think people are harassing firefighters? No one is harassing anyone, just think before you do. You firefighters know darn good and well that you should not be taking a huge piece of equipment out on a daily basis to go get your lunch. Who in the world can afford to go out every day and eat lunch anyway but, if you do, take a vehicle of your own, take all the lunch orders, call it in somewhere and one person go pick it up and better yet have it delivered or cook it in that gigantic kitchen you over in the palace over there. No one is against you having lunch, but be responsible with taxpayers money.

  19. This is about vehicle policy, not firemen. The vehicles should not be used to make lunch runs. I would love to know how much has been spent on fire vehicles int eh last 5 years. The difference between police policy and fire policy is that the police officer's job is to patrol. Thus, while they are patrolling they are already out and I would expect if they are purchasing a meal they would stop at a place on their route.

  20. "The reason they take the truck is in case they get a call. they can respond from where they are. '

    "THEY" is the problem. Instead of 4 people taking a $1M truck to pick up lunch, send one person using a private vehicle. The other 3 would then be left at the Firehouse WITH the truck and ready to go on a call if necessary. Instead of 4 people taking equipment to SECU to cash paychecks, let them do that on their own time.

    Firemen should do what they are paid to do not paid for what they feel like doing.

  21. Do the firemen take all their gear (hats, mask, etc) with them when they take the fire truck for lunch???

  22. I have always been told by people that have diesel trucks that the best thing for the engine is to drive it! Have I been told right guys?

  23. I don't understand what the big deal is... no one tells the average person in an office job they HAVE to bring lunch everyday. They can leave their cars back at the station... just don't complain when your place is burning down and they have to drive their personal vehicles back to the station to pick up the trucks BEFORE coming to put out your fire. Could be the difference of one life.

  24. Tell you what - lets outlaw (get rid of) ALL Firemen and Law Enforcement. After all these leeches are worthless, do not do their job correctly by our standards, have no supervision, and are running wild on our taxpaying dollars. I speak for the whole USA because Salisbury ain't the only place with these types of problems - it's country wide.

    If by chance my home catches on fire I'll just put it out myself, just like folks did in the olden days. If I can't put the fire out with my garden hose or the neighborhood bucket brigade, I'll stand there with my neighbors and watch my whole block burn.

    And cops, who needs them because they just race up and down the roads day and night or carry their families on picnics in the car I bought with my taxpaying dollars, while crime runs rampant.

    If I have a vehicular accident I just lay there until some nice person comes along and saves me. But if it catches on fire I'll jump up and piss on the burning auto.

    There are many great options when I have an emergency. Who cares how long it takes for me to get medical attention, or an accident report so I can collect from my insurance company, or how many fires there are. We all are resourceful enough to take care of our own emergencies.

    The good of getting rid of LEOs and farmin. No emergency vehicles zipping up the highways and byways 24/7, no one to get the bad guys because we will all be toting, many deaths from shootings and fires and accidents - making for less on welfare. Yep cops and firmin - who needs them. Got enough heroes (in their eyes only)running around so no need to keep those wasteful firmen and cops on the list.

    I think we should outlaw the military next. What say you?

  25. 9:23 You are exactly correct! They are paid well, good insurance, good retirement, uniforms, cars, benefits. we all appreciate what they do but they chose the profession and know what comes with it! When they say you may need us someday that does not mean we have to let them spend and do as they please! We cannot in our private jobs and lives so why should they be able to.

  26. All goes back to the poor leadership Hoppees for allowing this abuse of the taxpayers equipment etc. Make them bring or order their lunch like alot of others have to do. Why are YOU Rick not doing your job. You wanted that job now do it!

  27. The "respond quicker" argument is nonsensical. It's absurd because then you have to assume if there just so happens to be an emergency it's closer to get to it from the eating establishment then the firehouse itself. Then like when it was at Giant the other day by the time they get out of the store and into the truck, out of the parking lot (which is always a nightmare)there no way by anyone's stretch of the imagination it would make response time quicker unless the fire was at the Giant itself.

  28. July 12, 2013 at 9:47 AM

    Why don't you tell us how you really feel....LMAO!

    Amen brother!

  29. Anonymous said...
    Everyone one of you are going to be Like Comegies years ago when his house caught on fire. Send me the duty crew I need help.

    Thing is firefighters will do there job on all you worthless pieces of crap commenting on here.

    Wow what a change, not happy with government so lets take it out on hard working people who risk there life. I say lets stop Fire/EMS/Police service for one week. Lets see you cry then. Give them all a week off, and you all handle it on your own.

    July 12, 2013 at 10:07 AM

    Hey dumb dumb they're, their, there.

    You should have stayed in school to get a better education than getting a job as a paid fireman.

  30. Those paid firemen are some of the most uneducated hostile bunch of morons I have ever seen.

  31. to the commenter who stated that it's a job NObody wants to do...seriously? it's a job MANY people want to do, but sadly cannot because the good ol' boy club won't let them get their foot in the door!! it's no secret that favoritism plays a huge role in who gets these types of jobs in this area.

    get of your high horses and fix the problem. stop hiding behind "hey, we're heroes!" or "what if your house burns down?" I hope and pray my house never burns down, but I can guarantee you if it does, I sure hope the entire fire dept is not out fetching dinner when the call comes in.

    there are many examples of what is clearly not the best use of dept resources, and that is the point of this post. (so stop acting like any one is picking on the fact that firemen eat lunch or dinner!) for example, what's wrong with sending ONE guy out to pick up food for everyone... then, you don't have to take the truck "in case there's a fire." because, really, do the firemen bring all their gear too? when you see them in mcdonald's or starbucks or wherever, they aren't in wearing fire coats, or hats etc. so, wouldn't they need that equipment too if they were truly out there being "prepared to respond at a moment's notice" bottom line - no private business would send it's largest, most expensive equipment out with all it's employees on it out for lunch. do you ever see farmers on their giant john deere tractors parked at Rita's getting italian ice? or construction workers driving a backhoe through a wendy's drive through? No, because it doesn't make sense. only a municipal agency would use money and equipment so frivilously.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Tell you what - lets outlaw (get rid of) ALL Firemen and Law Enforcement. After all these leeches are worthless, do not do their job correctly by our standards, have no supervision, and are running wild on our taxpaying dollars. I speak for the whole USA because Salisbury ain't the only place with these types of problems - it's country wide.

    If by chance my home catches on fire I'll just put it out myself, just like folks did in the olden days. If I can't put the fire out with my garden hose or the neighborhood bucket brigade, I'll stand there with my neighbors and watch my whole block burn.

    And cops, who needs them because they just race up and down the roads day and night or carry their families on picnics in the car I bought with my taxpaying dollars, while crime runs rampant.

    If I have a vehicular accident I just lay there until some nice person comes along and saves me. But if it catches on fire I'll jump up and piss on the burning auto.

    There are many great options when I have an emergency. Who cares how long it takes for me to get medical attention, or an accident report so I can collect from my insurance company, or how many fires there are. We all are resourceful enough to take care of our own emergencies.

    The good of getting rid of LEOs and farmin. No emergency vehicles zipping up the highways and byways 24/7, no one to get the bad guys because we will all be toting, many deaths from shootings and fires and accidents - making for less on welfare. Yep cops and firmin - who needs them. Got enough heroes (in their eyes only)running around so no need to keep those wasteful firmen and cops on the list.

    I think we should outlaw the military next. What say you?

    July 12, 2013 at 11:01 AM

    You are an idiot. Firemen always using scare tactics to justify their jobs.

    You did get one thing right paid firemen are leeches.

  33. catjowill said...
    I have always been told by people that have diesel trucks that the best thing for the engine is to drive it! Have I been told right guys?

    July 12, 2013 at 10:56 AM

    They do drive it! To calls and they should be driven to calls only.

    What an idiot!

  34. Anonymous said...
    All goes back to the poor leadership Hoppees for allowing this abuse of the taxpayers equipment etc. Make them bring or order their lunch like alot of others have to do. Why are YOU Rick not doing your job. You wanted that job now do it!

    July 12, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    Poor leadership at its worse. Jim Ireton and Jake Day are the blame for this. And you wonder why there was a stalemate with the last Council majority. They weren't as bad as some thought now were they.

  35. Proof once again of how effective SBY News advertising can be.One particular restaurant is doing one heck of a business since these posts began.Better than ever.

  36. If the people who PAY you don't want you to abuse the trucks and the privilege, why do you insist on doing so?

  37. If the people who PAY you don't want you to abuse the trucks and the privilege, why do you insist on doing so?

  38. Anonymous said...
    I don't understand what the big deal is... no one tells the average person in an office job they HAVE to bring lunch everyday. They can leave their cars back at the station... just don't complain when your place is burning down and they have to drive their personal vehicles back to the station to pick up the trucks BEFORE coming to put out your fire. Could be the difference of one life.

    July 12, 2013 at 10:58 AM

    Can you say CLULESS!

  39. Anonymous said...
    I too am disgusted when employees abuse power, but in this type of instance or police getting coffee ,etc... LEAVE THEM ALONE

    July 12, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    Hmmm! Which one of these is you? Me says Farmin.

  40. Let the Cockroaches eat at the new Palace in da Hood!!

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    i'm sure that palace of a new fire station has a very exceptional kitchen.
    i'm sick of seeing fire trucks and ems vehicles parked in front of
    giant, where little ceasars is, literrally every time i'm out, i see one parked in the back of a lot, and they are inside buying food. not to cook, but ready to eat.

    wasting my tax dollars on gas and being paid to eat no doubt.
    they should not be allowed to eat anywhere with ready to eat meals. but make a trip to the grocery store and have food on hand to cook, or bring their own.
    i'm also tired of the "put their lives on the line". they signed up for that. not to eat at fast food joints on my dime.
    do their job, shut up, and eat at the fire station.

    July 12, 2013 at 9:09 AM

    They are parked in the back of Giant because they don't want the public to see the big red fire trucks. They are hiding from your cameras.


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