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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Zimmerman Judge: No Testimony On 911 Call Screams

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) -- The judge in the murder trial of George Zimmerman said Saturday that prosecution audio experts who point to Trayvon Martin as screaming on a 911 call moments before he was killed won't be allowed to testify at trial.

The screams are crucial pieces of evidence because they could determine who the aggressor was in the confrontation before Zimmerman fatally shot the unarmed teenager. Martin's family contends it was the teen screaming, while Zimmerman's father has said it was his son.

Judge Debra Nelson ruled that the methods used by the experts aren't reliable. But her ruling doesn't prevent the 911 calls from being played at trial.


1 comment:

  1. State's side of the case is going to be all of 3 hrs including sidebars and lunch. They have nothing except to say that Martin had only been running to 711 for Skittles and an iced tea. To which the defense will show-- if in fact-- he was JUST out for those snacks then why did it take him so long? Time stamped receipt and video from 711 show the time he made the purchase and left. They prove that he was doing more than merely walking back to where he was staying. Jurors will have to decide why he choose to take the 'long way home' in the pouring down rain.


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