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Monday, June 24, 2013

Young People Should Say No To Obamacare

Starting in 2014, Obamacare will attempt to get almost every American to obtain health insurance. The system desperately needs healthy young people, millions of whom don’t have health insurance, to sign up because their money is needed to subsidize treatment for older, sicker Americans. But will they?

Young people will be asked to buy policies that don’t reflect the low risk they have of getting sick. Obamacare allows health insurers to vary premiums based on age, but they can charge older customers only up to three times as much as healthy young customers, while most insurers have as much as a five- or six-to-one ratio. This means lower prices for older (and wealthier) folks, but high prices for the young. “They’ll have sticker shock,” House budget chairman Paul Ryan told me.

Indeed, the law will require four out of five young Americans to pay more than they otherwise would for health coverage — yet another form of generational theft from young to old that ought to sour young people on government “help.”



  1. Obamacare needs to be repealed in its entirety and those who voted for it should be held accountable for such careless legislation. Already many are being negatively affected by this "affordable health care" but just wait until next year when the fines begin for those not buying insurance for themselves and their families.

  2. The young people are the ones who are going to pay dearly for obamacare. Previously lower premiums, higher deductible was favored by those younger and healthy. Under obamacare everyone's going to be put on a level playing field. Those younger will be paying the same as someone older, not as active, fatter, whatever. It's socialism at it's finest-putting everyone on a level playing field. I just can't imagine there were so many freaks that voted for the obamanation. Many voted for him just because he is black-to those people they aren't worthy to call themselves Americans.

  3. The reason Obama was elected in 2008 is because he won the younger voters support. Now they get what they voted for.

  4. 12:59. Thank you. I really can't wait to start laughing at the howls of pain and disbelief when the hammer falls on them. For the rest of their lives. Wait until their tax bills start becoming 50-75% of their gross pay....

  5. lmclain said...
    12:59. Thank you. I really can't wait to start laughing at the howls of pain and disbelief when the hammer falls on them. For the rest of their lives. Wait until their tax bills start becoming 50-75% of their gross pay....

    June 24, 2013 at 7:40 PM

    Unfortunately, I think that is correct. And it pisses me off to no end. The ones that voted that loser into office, TWICE, deserve what they get more or less.

    The rest of us not so much.

    But, MY GRANDCHILDREN, do not. I hate the fact that they will have to grow up in this country, the way it has become.

    And if I am still alive when they get old enough to understand what is happening to them, I pray I can tell them I did something to change it.

    I am only one person and I can't do much, if anything, but it way past time we stop sitting on our collective butts and let this liar in chief, (obammy, not liarton, this time),keep on deceiving us and ruining our lives, our childrens, grandchildren and their children lives.

    And any future incompetent person from sitting in the oval office.

    If all someone can do is sign a petition, send an email, make a phone call, PLEASE do it.

    It may or may not help but at least it will be an effort.

    Personally, I think stronger measures are needed but we can't be silent any longer.

    Complaining on blogs such as this one is good also. It will garner support amongst ourselves and motivate people to actually do something.

    People's attitudes are changing. More and more are getting fed up. That's a good thing. We got a slow start and it's still a slow process, but it's beginning.

    We just need to keep at it and get the momentum up.

    I think the powers that be are beginning to realize this, and they are running scared. That also is a good thing.

    If you can't do it for yourselves, do it for the future generations. Please.


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