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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Worcester County Has Higest Marijuana Arrest Rate In The Entire Nation

Actually its almost 8 times higher than the national average!


  1. The one-word explanation: Ocean City; Also arrest rates aren't necessarily an accurate measure of marijuana usage.

  2. Anon 7:29AM, Ocean City is two words. Please stay in school!

  3. back-woods shorebillys. Victimless crime.

  4. This is a clue to Worc. Democrats!

    Legalize and tax.

  5. Great Sheriff's Office there !! O.C.P.D. does an awesome job as well. Should it be legalized probably. The fact remains it is still a crime and those cops do a great job.

  6. That is because of Ocean City. Marijuana and open container/underage drinking is the focus of the OCPD. Civil rights are thrown out the window. They target all of the underage June bugs. It is all about the revenue stream. The lawyers are laughing all the way to the bank. That graph speaks volumes. Something is seriously wrong.

  7. Perhaps another 30 million or so. Another 200 cops. Camera's on every corner! YEAH! Thats the ticket! Think of all the taxpayer money used to arrest all these people! Most of them, by the way, guilty of possessing small to very small amounts of pot. Think of all the tax money further wasted on everyone else in the "criminal" justice system. Has the price of drugs went down? Lol. Just the opposite. Has the amount of users went down? Hard to say, but from the number of arrests, I'd say "no". It's IMPOSSIBLE to defeat the Law of Supply and Demand. And only the dumbest of the dumb (politicians and cops) continue to try. And guess what? You can go to Ocean City TONIGHT (on a Thursday, no less!) and come back within the hour with anything you want. I'm supposing they intend to measure "success" in terms of decades of effort and results. And it looks like they will need another 4-5 decades. And many, many, many millions of our dollars. Perhaps the police should stick to dressing up as telephone lineman and farmers while manning those dangerous radar guns. And writing seat belt tickets. And patting each other on the back about their national leadership in chasing their own ace around a pole...

  8. But Ocean City is a "family friendly resort" -- Yeah, right.

  9. 8:32 Well said.

  10. The Ocean City police are out of control.

  11. Ocean City hasn't been a family resort in years! And this is one of the reason's why. I'd like to see it return to the old OC, but that isn't likely in this day and age, so we just stay away.

  12. The statistics prove that OCPD and Worc. Cty sheriffs Dept. are incompetent.

  13. Great job OCPD. The people who criticize police in this column are probably dope smokers or worse. If you don't want to pay the price don't do the crime.

  14. Great job OCPD, keep locking these losers up!

  15. Off topic, but surprised to see no commentary on the rumor of Ireton being Doug Gansler's Lt. Gov. pick.

    Who is behind the rumor and the "Maryland Juice" left-wing blog that published it? Ireton? His handler Chuck Cook?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  16. If I lived in Worcester County,I too would be doing something to ease the pain.Prescription pot should be made available just for the misfortune of those poor residents.Especially those in Ocean City.

  17. Last week OCPD announced that simple possession will only be a citation offense (similar to litter and noise). Pay a fine and no appearance. Seems the high number of arrests are bogging down the system. Look for this to transition to other towns near by. Like it or not, prohibition did not work for alcohol and same goes for drugs.

  18. Huge waste of money and resources. The rest of the country basically ignores this stupid prohibition, which will be legal soon.

  19. 9:48 and 10:26 You are not getting the bigger picture.

  20. did anyone else notice that these areas are predominately minority districts?

  21. No 1:47 it's actually majority college town, not minority bigot.

  22. Applaud any law officer that gets drug users off the streets. However the sentiment in general seems to be the pot is ok. What about the reported statistics that reported Pot as a gateway drug. And if the law wants to get some big time like heroine off the streets visit wenona, Deal Island in Somerset COUNTY there has been several deaths there in recent years due to OD.

  23. 12:35-The citation thing is a new state law, not specific to OC-it's statewide.
    I notice OC has a lot of drug arrests period esp off season which seems is out the window statically with the small number of year round residents. Dealers are coming into OC selling heroin, prescription drugs and other dangerous drugs for a reason. Must be a lot of users in OC.

  24. DC suburb and Baltimorons bringing their dope to OC and getting busted, period.

  25. 4:19 Pot is not a gateway drug anymore than alcohol is. That is just an old theory with no basis in fact.

  26. 9:48 and 10:26 are cops "patting themselves on the back for chasing their ace around a pole". Tell me, please, what EXACTLY was accomplished with this astronomically high arrest rate? Some plaques. Some awards. Some promotions. Reduce drug supply? Reduce users? ANYTHING other than cop awards, fines, mandantory "classes" (which the State also gets a slice), and jobs for lawyers, probation officers, court clerks, jail guards, etc? Think of all the tax money spent! Can't repair roads, build schools, fix street lights, repair sidewalks BUT we CAN go all out with MILLIONS (!!) of dollars and man-hours on making sure we are safe from marijuana.... Losers, huh, 10:26? Tell that to the attorneys, cops, teachers, judges, jail guards, and other go-to-work-everyday professionals who smoke pot. And whether or not you think so, THAT is a stone cold FACT. I love it when cops like 10:26 lecture us about "don't do the crime if you can't pay the price". Laughingly preposterous from someone who is immune from the law and above it, too.

  27. Maybe Rt113 has something to do some the high statics combined with the tourist area and the June bugs because Rt113 is a major route for drug trafficking.

  28. 4:19 alcohol is an extremely more dangerous gateway drug than marijuana.

  29. yup, nothing to be proud of here

  30. Makes me just want to hang my head in shame, it is 2013. I can't stand drunks, put me next to a pothead anyday

  31. i would like to say.... um... i forgot.....im hungry ... bye bye

  32. Legalize it and sole real crimes


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