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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Next?

Deputy of banned cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi who endorses Palestinian suicide bombers had White House meeting with National Security Council staff

The UK and U.S. have banned Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who leads the anti-Israel International Union of Muslim Scholars.

The Obama administration invited that group's VP, Abdallah bin Bayyah, to a private meeting on the day it announced support for Syria's rebels

The organization ended its December 2012 board meeting by calling for the end of Israel and the return of its lands to the Palestinians
Hours after MailOnline began inquiring with the National Security Council about its meeting with bin Bayyah, the cleric's website was edited to remove the claim that National Security Adviser Tom Donilon attended

1 comment:

  1. obama wouldn't want anyone to think he was meeting (and giving any credence) with people who espouse (and openly preach!) our destruction and murder, now would he? And not only OUR destruction, but that of our friends and allies, too. I wonder if he had to work that schedule around the IRS visits, you know for an Easter egg roll. Every 2 days.


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