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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Whale Came Ashore Twice On Assateague, Then Again On Jersey Beach

ASSATEAGUE -- The efforts of one Good Samaritan helped a beached pilot whale get back into the ocean last Saturday after it had washed ashore on Assateague’s Federal beach. Unfortunately, the story did not have a happy ending, with the same whale again washing ashore hours later and not surviving its second stranding.

Officials commended the bystander’s instinct to help the animal but stressed that when people encounter a beached whale the best option is to contact stranding authorities and wait.

The whale was first spotted by a group of friends returning from an outing on the beach. As they drove along Assateague’s national seashore near the 24-mile marker, Becky Battersby of Federalsburg, noticed the animal grounded in the surf. Her husband, Chris, jumped into the water to help the whale while she called the ranger station. Friends A.J. Plutschak and Amanda Smith also left the vehicle to document the encounter. Numerous other beach-goers reported seeing the whale on and off throughout the day on Saturday.



  1. Leave it ALONE Morons.

  2. Even the whales are depressed about the corrupt Obama regime.

    1. Yes we are 10:04pm, but calling us whales, seems like over kill? I'll have you know my dating profile on Eharmony says. "could lose a few", butt no category for beached Orcas. Maybe that's what the women meant when they blubbered something about "taking me for a walk on the beach"?

  3. The submarine sonar frequency needs to be changed to a non invasive mode.Whales can't stand it and will do anything to get away from it,including beaching themselves.The sub could be several hundred miles out and still have the same effect.

  4. Anyone know if the animal was ill?
    Or is this just another reason to downsize (sequester) the Navy?

  5. No.He was not ill.

  6. 8:51-Not a reason to downsize the Navy.The Navy fully realizes that a minor adjustment in sonar frequency would do it.The oceans of the world,unbeknownst to John Q Public,are saturated with undersea activity thanks to the US,Russia,China,Japan,and so on.Keeping one step ahead of them all has required an isolated sonar frequency.

  7. Seafood meals for all the homeless!


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