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Friday, June 21, 2013

Two 9/11 Survivors In Court For Proceedings Against Alleged Conspirators

Two retired New York firefighters, buried alive on 9/11, confront plot’s self-proclaimed mastermind in Guantanamo Bay courtroom
Seeing Khalid Shiekh Mohammed put a face "on true hate and evil," one of the 9/11 survivors says
WASHINGTON - Firefighters Al Fuentes and Joe Torrillo were buried under the steel and concrete when the World Trade Center collapsed on 9/11. Miraculously, both survived.

This week, they are finally getting the chance to stare down the self-proclaimed mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

"He looked at me," Fuentes told the Daily News in a telephone interview from the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where pretrial hearings in the case against Mohammed and four co-conspirators are being held

"But I was staring at him. It was a moment in time and something I've wanted to do —- just to be able to look at him, in the same room."

Torrillo called his first glimpse of the defendants "bittersweet."


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