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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Third Letter Sent to President Obama, Similar to NY Mayor Ricin Letters: Sources

A letter was mailed to President Obama that is similar to two letters containing poisonous ricin sent to Mayor Bloomberg and his anti-gun group, law enforcement sources tell NBC 4 New York.

The letter is being tested for ricin. It was received Thursday at an off-site facility, and did not reach the White House, sources said.

The text of that mailing was identical to the letters sent to the mayor and his gun group, which threatened: "what's in this letter is nothing compared to what I've got planned for you," police and law enforcement sources said.

One letter was discovered at City Hall's mail sorting facility at 100 Gold St. on Friday, a law enforcement source told NBC 4 New York. It appeared to contain a pink, oily substance when a mail worker came across it and was immediately flagged as suspicious.



  1. I'm sure that there are many other letters that we just don't know about , can't say I blame them , he sure can piss you off.


  2. White House will do anything to change the current heat on Obama.
    He is in a little over his head this time.

  3. I know its not your headline but it sounds like three tainted letters were sent to Obama when you first read it.

  4. Anything to take away the attention of his other lying problems.

  5. get back to us when one is actually DELIVERED!

  6. Who signed the letter Michele?

  7. yeah 728 and 939, its not like an attempted attack on the US pres. is news or anything.

  8. these letters are being sent by dem operatives

  9. I'm sure the snake Obama is committing another hoax.


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