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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thinking An Unthinkable: No Voting Right For Those Living At The Taxpayer's Expense

One of the most sacred ideas in our democratic era is the belief in the universal and equal right of all citizens to have the voting franchise. Yet some have argued against this "right." But their challenge to an unlimited right to vote has not been based on grounds of gender, age, or property ownership.

One such critic was the famous British social philosopher and political economist, John Stuart Mill. In his 1859 book, Reflections on Representative Government, (Chapter 8, 'Of the Extension of the Suffrage'), Mill argued that those who received "public relief" (government welfare) should be denied the voting franchise for as long as they receive such tax-based financial support and livelihood.

Simply put, Mill reasoned that this creates an inescapable conflict of interest, in the ability of some to vote for the very government funds that are taxed away from others for their own benefit. Or as Mill expresses it:

"It is important, that the assembly which votes the taxes, either general or local, should be elected exclusively by those who pay something towards the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxes, disposing by their votes of other people's money, have every motive to be lavish and none to economize.

"As far as money matters are concerned, any power of voting possessed by them is a violation of the fundamental principle of free government . . . It amounts to allowing them to put their hands into other people's pockets for any purpose which they think fit to call a public one."

Mill went on to explain why he considered this to be especially true for those relying upon tax-based, redistributed welfare dependency, which in 19th century Great Britain was dispersed by the local parishes of the Church of England. Said Mill:

"I regard it as required by first principles, that the receipt of parish relief should be a peremptory disqualification for the [voting] franchise. He who cannot by his labor suffice for his own support has no claim to the privilege of helping himself to the money of others . . .



  1. I think it's a good idea, if you're getting a free ride, you don't get to vote. right now our electoral system is akin to two wolves and one sheep casting their votes on what to have for dinner.

  2. Allowing this block of citizens to vote is a major conflict of interest.

    If you receive Government life support it should disqualify you from voting.

  3. yeah, why don't we go back to the poll tax while we're at it. you must have no idea about history.

  4. Let's return to the original as set up by the founding father's, only property owners can vote.

  5. I think you should not be able to vote if you get a free ride...

    Most of the problem though, is the majority of people who work don't care that their money is being stripped away little by little, tax by tax... they still put up with it... Even though there IS NO LAW THAT SAYS YOU HAVE TO PAY INCOME TAX... LET ALONE TAX ON LABOR, maybe you have to pay tax on Capital gains and certain monies made in certain ways but sure as hell not on labor... at least thats the tax code definitions and yet you all still pay and don't fight it...

    the other reasons why we're in this mess is how other factions, such as gays or muslims or anyone else other than a christian or non-gay persons can not fight or defend themselves and has no rights and can only do wrong, yet the gay and muslims and the rest get to sue and take from others saying they have the right to do so...

    Well if you have the right to do anything regarding anything, then I and others do to... Meaning if a gay can sue a person who won't make them a cake because of religion then WE should be able to sue the gay for sueing us when they clearly have other places they can go to get a fucking cake yet they are trying to put a baker in jail for not doing business with a gay couple saying it violates some silver law or what the fuck ever... saying its discrimination...

    Where is the discrimination against christians and non-muslims and people who are not gay? they have no rights and you all are ok with that too.

    Mark my words - Once the free rides are over, the ones who got the free rides, and the ones who allowed this to happen (which is pretty much everyone) they will blame people like me and others who are fighting right now saying we didn't fight or how could be let this happen when it is the freeloaders who let this happen...

    We can't win for losing...

  6. ...but how will I know who to vote for if no one pays all my utilities, lets me eat high on the hog, talk all I want to on my I Phone V, watch my 93" HD TV and ride to the liquor store in my bran new Escalade.

  7. Agreed, way too much conflict of interest. I'd even add on anyone who works for the government, including elected officials, or anyone who is part of an organization with their hand in the taxpayers till. Oh yeah, I forgot (And this one will rustle some jimmies)... you also shouldn't be allowed to vote if you have been deceased for more than 1 day. I think the current rule is 20 years or so.

  8. How is that any different than people voting to preserve any other self-interest, like bailouts for automakers if you work there, or bailouts for too big to fail banks if you are a teller? Or legislators voting on taxes going up or down when they have to pay them? Or people who pay taxes voting for people who won't raise them?

    No matter. In Salisbury, Chicago can buy an election.

  9. Why not just jump to the conclusion and say "only those who agree with me should be allowed to vote?" Jeez, some of you posters on here are idiots. It' a Democracy dummy.

  10. It's called the RIGHT to vote...not the privilege to vote - you brainiacs!

    It's also the opposite of a conflict of interest. Those who receive a great deal of govt services should know BEST how well the govt is operating and should be the most affected by its failure.

  11. 2:40 PM 2:56 PM

    Thank you. I was afraid everyone was nuts. Glad to see there are still a few of us reasonable people left.

  12. "It' a Democracy dummy."

    It's a REPUBLIC, twerp.

  13. Yes,Anon 4:03, there are a few who believe in democracy.

    Our wonderful government pays companies to close their doors here and move to China, as what happened with my job at Airpax in Cambridge, Md.

    I got a top paying job at Harvard in Salisbury for $8/he and got heating assistance from Shore Up.

    And now you fascists think I shouldn't be able to vote.

    Come and take this flag FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.

    1. Problem is people like pinto will work for beans. If enough people stop letting these companies take advantage then the pay scale would be higher. The companies know the gubment will pick up the extras and so does pinto bean.

  14. I agree with most on this post. if you're depending on the government for your sustenance; no vote for you. the government is buying your vote and you know it.

    this does NOT include social security recipients because this was paid for by the individual and their employer with matching funds.

  15. 2:39 has it right!! the welfare has a vote if corporations nra any other voting block also have a right..welfare should be elimnated with JOBS...ONLY.the remaining truly needy only ..cripples mentsl cases..invalids...JOBS only will save us! social welfare programs will not work

  16. Whats funny is that if we did listen to many of these commenters, they would be shocked when all those old folks who live off ss and medicare, but largely vote for the GOP, don't show up at the polls. I can see the look on these commenters' faces now. LOL


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