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Monday, June 17, 2013

The Pulse: Opt Out Is Best Plan For Donors

Godspeed to Sarah Murnaghan and Javier Acosta, both of whom are at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia suffering from the debilitating effects of cystic fibrosis. U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson granted them relief recently by allowing each to join the waiting list for an adult lung. This prompted the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network to create a special appeal and review system to hear cases such as theirs in which children need access to adult organs.

While Javier is still waiting, Sarah received a transplanted lung from an adult donor just days ago. But if we really want to swell the number of available hearts, lungs, livers, and corneas, there is a more obvious and expansive solution.

We need to start assuming that most people wish to be organ donors, while allowing those who object to opt out easily. The current policy in the United States is the opposite: an opt-in system.
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  1. Someone explain this to me please,
    .I am an average citizen with little or no medical knowledge.We implant an adult lung in this childs body. Would appear to me that this lung is developed inside her small body.What happens next? I hope the best for her.

  2. We need to encourage more June Bugs to drink more and fall off balconies so there will be enough for everyone!

    I know, I'm a little twisted...


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