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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Texas Abortion Bill Fails After Chaotic Stand-Off In Capital

Chaos reigned in the final minutes of the Texas Senate late Tuesday night as opponents of a strict abortion bill succeeded in killing the measure, using a sprawling Democrat-led filibuster, egged on by noisy "unruly mob" protests, to blunt last-ditch efforts by Republicans to save the legislation.

The drama centered largely around Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis, who staged an hours-long, old-fashioned filibuster on the Senate floor against a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Republicans initially succeeded in cutting her filibuster off, in part by objecting when another lawmaker helped her with a back brace. But protesters picked up where she left off, jeering at lawmakers as they rushed to meet a midnight deadline for the bill. 



  1. abortions after 20 weeks is murder.

  2. Abortion at ANY week is murder.

  3. 4:22 is proof that abortion should be legal.

  4. I hope you guys are ready to step up and support all the unwanted children if abortion is outlawed.

  5. Gay can marry and abortion will remain legal. This is the new America that us young people want. If you more traditional folks don't like it, you can move to a more traditional country like Zimbabwe or Papua New Guinea. Majority rules. Thanks for the system!

  6. In your case, Alex, it should have been mandatory.


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