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Friday, June 07, 2013

"Surveillance State: Maryland Is Listening To You"


  1. What the hell is going on with this government.

  2. Liberals, naive Democrats, Socialists, Communists and Marxists. That's what is going on fool.
    They are everything America has fought against historically.

  3. This will continue as long as Democrats continue to be elected. Unless the American voters make a change in 2014, in the House and Senate, we are doomed. We will have to begin on the local level as well. We are in a Obama cult movement and it must be stopped.

  4. If people want security, go to prison.

    If people are willing to give up their freedoms for security, they deserve neither.

  5. Citizens. Lets start an observation PAC. Every politician, every Government employee is subject to 24/7 surveillance. Just start watching your friendly local cop, councilman or councilwoman, Mayor, city executives, etc and their families. Whether they are eating dinner out, washing their car, walking, biking... just watch them.
    Start with Democrats and armed agents of the Government.
    See how they like it.

  6. Dem or rep...doesn't matter same sh!t happens

  7. 548....BS look ay what's going on in Europe ...moron.

  8. The big wheels are the most offended because they have the most to lose.That's why they spend every waning moment trying to get the rest of us outraged.We cannot have it all.Either we are secure in this volatile nation or we are not.

  9. 5:12 isn't that stalking? The answer is yes.
    The Government is stalking anyone they want. Without cause.
    Works both ways.


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