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Thursday, June 06, 2013

Stung By Newtown Parents, Michael Moore Denies Urging Release Of Crime Scene Photos, Blames Fox News

In a March blog post headlined “America,You Must Not Look Away (How to Finish Off the NRA),” Michael Moore urged the release of crime scene photos depicting the shattered, perforated bodies of the schoolchildren slaughtered last December in the Newtown massacre.

Confronting the eye-opening details of the gore, the leftist filmmaker argued in his Huffington Post essay, was a moral imperative — expiation for America’s ongoing tacit moral complicity in mass shootings and a goad to brisk and decisive action expanding gun control and driving a stake through the heart of the NRA.

“We’ve done nothing to revise or repeal [the Second Amendment] — and that makes us responsible,” wrote the activist filmmaker, “and that is why we must look at the pictures of the 20 dead children laying with what’s left of their bodies on the classroom floor in Newtown, Connecticut.”

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  1. Michael, please inform us of how many of the mass murderers, one time killers, all gunning crimeheads were NRA Members or, for that matter, gun owners of over 15 years or hunting license holders.

    Please, I'm waiting for your answer.

  2. Instead why dont see they publish the fact that in Newtown they now have armed employees to protect the students

  3. He is the absolute definition of a pig.

  4. Michael Moore?.. Just another anti-American seeking riches and fame from the "low information voter"

  5. Hey Michael, haven't seen you in a while. Did you come up for something important? Oh, we don't want you here, so I ordered 1,000 pizzas to your basement... see you in a week or so.


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