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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Smithfield Foods-Shuanghui deal: China "just needs the food," expert says

Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer, is being bought by Shuanghui. The price: almost $5 billion. If approved, it will be the largest takeover of an American company by a Chinese buyer.

This is the latest in a string of American companies being purchased by China.

So why this company -- and why now?

They need the food, according to CBS News contributor and analyst Mellody Hobson. "That's the bottom line," she said. "China is the biggest consumer of pork in the world."



  1. Go ahead and sell it. Thats capitalism. Just won't see meat eating any of their products anymore.

  2. What a disgrace - I will never buy a Smithfield product again and if any one doesn't think that Smithfield will not start producing pork in China you are out of your mind. This winter thousands of pigs washed ashore in China because of a virus. Farmers just dumped the bodies into the rivers. NO MORE SMITHFIELD!!!

  3. Smithfield you suck

  4. Its a sad thing to think that one day everything will be owned by these foreign countries.But when you have a president who does not give a rats ass about our country.

  5. so what?!!! Our gov't sold out to China years ago!

  6. It is disgusting enough how we have pork factories here in the US it will be far worse with them.

  7. Glad I taught myself how to raise, butcher and process on my own. If I don't put it in the bag, I don't eat it. There will be some major outbreak, at some point, once this takeover is completed. That's how the china man rolls.

  8. that's a shame.. their stuff was good. guess i'm not buying their crap anymore.

  9. We just keep selling out to these countries. No more Smithfield products for my family!

  10. There trying to kill us with poison toys,products,screw up our military with the internet and now they will sell us food?Its like a Simpson's episode!

  11. Ever notice how the communists always buy capitalist business's.

  12. I haven't eaten their "12% solution" garbage in ten years! Can't even taste the meat past that "solution".

  13. 4:31 I agree....it is so disgusting.

  14. I'm not buying anymore Smithfield products ever. I really enjoyed their honey bacon but I'll give it up because of what they did.

  15. Smiffield ploducts sucky sucky big time.

  16. Check your labels before buying any Smithfield product. More and more of their products are coming from Mexico.

  17. And China doesn't have the problems with Muslims that the rest of the world is having. They won't put up with it.

  18. 1029, yet another dum dum comment. China has long been battling islamic fundamentalists even before 9/11. There have been hundreds of civilian deaths due to terror attacks in China. We helped tamper down the attacks when we went into Afghan.


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