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Sunday, June 09, 2013

SFD At It Again

The Salisbury Fire Department and one of their million dollar fire trucks was seen dining at Taylor's BBQ again today for lunch.

Remember Folks, keep those images and reports coming in as it is clear, (through comments) the public wants to know. 


  1. saw an off-duty MSP officer coming out of 1 Fish 2 Fish the other day, NOT in uniform, driving his squad car. Guess instead of spending money on gas or delivery himself, he'd rather use our money. f*****

    1. That's because the state advises them to drive the car to maintain a constant police presence in your community...

  2. Taylors is owned by a MSP officer.

  3. they are there at least 2 times a week

  4. Who cares? Do you plan to fire the whole bunch? I think it has been explained on here several times, in the language even a 1st grader could understand BUT some are either too dense to understand or else they just prefer to stir up crap. My opinion is if they come when needed, let them eat where they choose. This "eating out" takes place all over the U.S., so stop making a$$e$ out of yourself by suggesting only Salisbury does this.

  5. State Police have always had off duty use of their cars. What's the big deal? And really, what's the big deal about the duty crew going to lunch with the fire truck? As long as they have their gear in case of a call, let them eat!

  6. Last week saw the big rig out in the parking lot of the dollar store. I guess occupants of the Big Rig were in IHOP eating. They were only taking up about 8 or 10 parking spaces. This really gets ridiculous - they can try to explain riding around in that gas hog until the cows come home, but it's not going to work with me and many others, there are far smaller vehicles to ride around in if they can't stay at the mansion where they belong while they are on duty.

  7. 3:22 PM - ever ever heard of delivery to the new fire house????

  8. and on another note... i can't stand it when i see SFD personel whashing their personal vehicles at the fire house. i have to pay a $300 water bill to the city of salisbury, but these guys all get to wash away on the tax payers dime? unreal!

  9. It costs YOUR taxpayer money to operate a big truck like that. A completely unnecessary waste of fuel and YOUR taxpayer money to use it to go to lunch. Should have used one of their personal vehicles instead.

  10. They have to take the trucks to lunch , in case they have a far.

  11. MILLION DOLLAR TRUCK? lol not even close to that. You do understand fireman take their duty equipment to meals so they can respond to calls if the need arises? No that's too difficult for a bunch on eastern shore hicks to understand.

  12. Maybe they were on their way back from an emergency? They could have just stopped off to get something to eat on the way back to the station. All restaurants have carryout. Emergency responders need to eat too!

  13. Ignorance is bliss on here. Let's imagine for a moment the SFD operates as you suggest. They send one person to go to Taylor's to bring back lunch in their private vehicle. Meanwhile a welder flashes in the CTE building at Parkside High School and the building is set ablaze. Truck 1 is due to respond but wait, they cannot. They only have 2 personnel on the truck and its out of service. The next due Engine responds from across town averaging a ten minute response time maybe, probably longer. If they had taken the truck to Taylor's, they would have left from that location and been to the school in under 3 minutes. Now do you understand?

  14. 433 we certainly understand that part but do you understand they can bring their meal like most of us do or call and have something delivered? Don't have to drive those gas guzzlers to go out to lunch! Really Rick you need to put a halt to that! AND you are either one of us Eastern Shore Hicks or a come here in which case you can leave anytime!!

  15. IIRC, the new fahrhouz came equipped with a pretty nice kitchen. If that is the case, toolin' around town in any piece of apparatus just to dine out seems wasteful.

    If lunch at the station genuinely gets interrupted by a call then stopping later to grab some sandwiches, etc. would make sense.

    I think folks have a genuine beef if the apparatus is using fuel and accumulating hours just to ferry a crew to lunch. In addition, it would appear to run the risk of being less than optimally positioned if a call came in during the lunch stop.

    Many folks with company cars are taxed on the non-business usage they rack up. Paying for the fuel and a maintenance stipend would modify any 'inadvertent' misuse that's occurring here. Dispatch software to ensure most direct return to the station after a call should be easy to find, and would pay for itself rapidly.

    Just sayin'

  16. Hey idiots WE the people,paid $1,000,000,00 dollars for there NEW kitchen USE IT.

  17. 6:49 pm that kitchen is up town at 16 on cypresses street. This truck id from station 1 on beglin. You want us to drive across town to cook? Because that will save fuel. We make dinner every night in that kitchen.

  18. 4:33
    Not to get into the discussion over where you eat, but it sure doesn't make sense to call the taxpayers paying your salary a bunch of hicks. If you moved to the shore for the job you have, maybe you need to go back from where you came.

  19. OMG, for all of you inconsiderate people get a life please. Never in my life have I heard so many people crying over someone trying to eat. You put yourself in the danger we put ourselves in every time we are called to a fire, accident, shootings, ect. Oh wait, you can't because you are to busy sitting on your a$$ at a 9 to 5 drawing smiley faces on your work calendar. We have the right to drive that fire truck, police vehicle, ambulance, ect. where we want to eat. We eat in places to enjoy our time and the hot meal. We don't know when the next time we are going to get a call and have to leave that meal and go hungry saving your life or your family members life. And for those complaining about the parking of a fire truck, instead of complaining to us, how about being the first to make a parking spot for a fire truck, school/ trail way bus, tractor trailer, or your RV camper. Hmmmm, yeah they are all the same size in length.

    Yours Truly, a dedicated fire fighter

  20. There is also a very nice kitchen on Beaglin Park at the Firehouse. They need to use it and save us taxpayers money.

  21. Sure do a lot of eatin

  22. they're there almost every week. guess no one can cook in the new far haus.

  23. 5:39 what I understand.. is the truck in the picture is from station 2 which is on the Pep Boys side of town, so your statement is BS, they will still have a 6-8 min to respond back to their area.

  24. 9:23PM A "Dedicated Fire Fighter", you chose to be an employee of the tax payers, we dont have a choise to be a tax payer on not but what we do have is the right to voice how our tax dollars are spent/wasted, so if offends you get a job that is not in the publics eyes, maybe try a car wash or lawn care.. Iam sure they are not above your capability.

  25. 857 just remember to eat your words when you need us. And as a matter of fact I do my own lawn care business. You tell me what you would do without paid fire fighters??

  26. Fireman pay taxes too. I guess they aren't suppose to eat over a 12 or 24 shift.

  27. I am so amused at your constant obsession with the activities of Salisbury firefighters. I see police vehicles at local restaurants all the time and think nothing of it as a taxpayer. I am glad to see our public servants out in the community. Several years ago I experienced a flat tire and one of these fire vehicles stopped and changed my tire. I offered a donation and they refused it. I believe you are way off base and misguide in your beliefs. I personally appreciate their actions.

  28. Make a note of it Joe. The firemen and policemen have to eat and will continue to do so regardless of what you think or say. Take all the pictures you want and post them for your left wing radicals to comment about. The fact is you are not in any position to make policy or change. You just have an axe to grind and cant accept the fact that firefighters are more respected than yourself. Keep that camera charged and keep shooting.

  29. what was funny was when that new truck tried to fill up the new water tower. neither cooperated. the firefighters & "officials" from the city looked pretty foolish...

  30. Please go ahead and privatize the fire department. See how that will work for the city. Salaries would finally go up to where they should be.

  31. Oh, I remember that day. I was out driving the truck by myself and decided to stop by and eat there for lunch. I even left the motor running while I was in there. My bad. Lunch was especially satisfying that day. I even took the picture and sent it in. Pretty proud of myself I was.


  32. I have the solution, from 1200-0100 will be lunch time, and 0530-0630 will be dinner time. All public safety employees(Fire,Police) MUST clock out, after coming off the clock they take there personal vehicles to any restaurant of there choice. This will perfectly solve the problem of the taxpayers money being waster. Just hope no one dials 911, but hey at least at least those evil men and women who risk there lives everyday for the almighty TAXPAYERS OF SALISBURY who thank them with lower then average pay and benefits, and constantly bash them in the public, will not be wasting money going to get a meal in there equipment so that there constantly ready to respond to an emergency.

    Better yet lets fire all Fire/EMS employees and the cops to who needs them.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Who cares? Do you plan to fire the whole bunch? I think it has been explained on here several times, in the language even a 1st grader could understand BUT some are either too dense to understand or else they just prefer to stir up crap. My opinion is if they come when needed, let them eat where they choose. This "eating out" takes place all over the U.S., so stop making a$$e$ out of yourself by suggesting only Salisbury does this.

    June 5, 2013 at 3:17 PM

    I care because I am a tax payer and you are not.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Ignorance is bliss on here. Let's imagine for a moment the SFD operates as you suggest. They send one person to go to Taylor's to bring back lunch in their private vehicle. Meanwhile a welder flashes in the CTE building at Parkside High School and the building is set ablaze. Truck 1 is due to respond but wait, they cannot. They only have 2 personnel on the truck and its out of service. The next due Engine responds from across town averaging a ten minute response time maybe, probably longer. If they had taken the truck to Taylor's, they would have left from that location and been to the school in under 3 minutes. Now do you understand?

    June 5, 2013 at 5:39 PM

    Gosh, golly, thank for clarifying that for us.

    You must be a dumb famin thinking us tax payers are as dumb as you.

    First of all no worries with that welders torch. That Parkside CTE building you mention is made of brick and block and is fully protected with a fire protection system including a fire sprinkler system.

    Second the next due engines response times would be more like 3 minutes and not the ten minutes you boast about trying to use scare tactics.

    Go blow smoke up someone else's rectum. No pun intended nitwit.

  35. Anonymous said...
    6:49 pm that kitchen is up town at 16 on cypresses street. This truck id from station 1 on beglin. You want us to drive across town to cook? Because that will save fuel. We make dinner every night in that kitchen.

    June 5, 2013 at 8:43 PM

    I certainly hope you are not a paid fireman because you are quite the uneducated one. Why would any fire crew from Station 1 drive to the station on Cypress Street to cook lunch or dinners. The Fire Station 1 at Beaglin Park drive has a full eat in commercial kitchen and always has. As a matter of fact Station 1 was renovated several years ago. At no time should any of the crews drive up to Cypress Street to use that kitchen. All 3 fire stations have their own kitchens. Have the food delivered or bring it from home.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Fireman pay taxes too. I guess they aren't suppose to eat over a 12 or 24 shift.

    June 6, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    Where? It sure isn't in the City of Salisbury!

  37. Anonymous said...
    Oh, I remember that day. I was out driving the truck by myself and decided to stop by and eat there for lunch. I even left the motor running while I was in there. My bad. Lunch was especially satisfying that day. I even took the picture and sent it in. Pretty proud of myself I was.


    June 9, 2013 at 12:15 PM

    Norbie I am sure you are back on here after being owned by a commenter the other day for posting a dumb comment. You just don't learn.

  38. 8:11
    And yet you and your ignorant cohorts that post on here are still too big a bunch of cowards to attach your name to a post.

  39. Why does it matter so much to you where or what the firemen eat? They are just like the rest of us who work in places where the "group" goes out to lunch or dinner. They just happen to be a "group" who all have to go in one vehicle. In case of a fire or emergency, they need to leave their meal and go. What if you were the one who needed their help? Would you want them to all drive their POVs back to the firehouse to get the truck? Minutes mean lives and hopefully it's not YOURS. Get off their back, and let them enjoy a meal like everyone else.


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