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Saturday, June 01, 2013

Salisbury Young Professionals Clean Up The River Walk

Today the Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals are out cleaning up the River Walk in Downtown Salisbury. Its hot, they're sweaty and Salisbury is a better place with these young people. 


  1. How about some big fines for littering, We All know who is doing it.

  2. Take the garbage and dump it in front of the mayors office.

  3. Thank you Young Professionals for cleaning up the River Walk. Think how nice Salisbury would look if we could get everyone to care this much about the City they live in.

  4. What a great group of kids! Their parents deserve recognition also for raising such wonderful caring children and must be so proud of them. I know I'm proud of them and none even 'belong' to me.

  5. 11:42 AM - Why do you say that? Did the Mayor put the trash there for the Chamber to clean up? Thoughtless comments take the goodness out of a deed.

  6. That homosexual pansy mayor and city council ought to have a day where they pick up the trash along the river.

  7. 1:11 PM Why did you not demanded the same of Campbell, Spies and Cohen, last year?

  8. Oh, 5:37. rewriting history, as they say. Campbell pushed hard and was criticized by you and yours for holding out for filtration on the Waverly storm water project to make our waterways cleaner in a more responsible and accountable way. So, shut your uninformed mouth:)

  9. Thank you 11:22 A grown man could run down those huge drains. I stand behind Campbell in this & always will. (Idiots, Shields & Comyges & Smitty...)
    It's true. Have the public works do it. Isn't that what they're paid for? I wish someone would enforce littering laws. We get sick of cleaning up our yards from passers by trash. Last week it was poopy diaper & about 10 poopy wipes.

  10. What a shame that some have to come on here and bash anyone.

    This is a great deed by a select few young people. They VOLUNTEERED to do this clean up. Don't think for a second that public works employees don't do their own fair share of clean up, because they do.

    It's unfortunate that some people simply don't care any more and drop trash all over the place. I've seen it first hand numerous times.

    We now live in a society where some people feel someone will just come along and clean it up. They think, that's what they get paid to do. This is also one reason why local government keeps growing and taxes go up.

    Because this group of young professionals stepped up to the plate on their own time it just saved the taxpayers a lot of money.

    It would be great to see High School Students following suit, (are you listening Teachers and Administrators). This group is setting a fantastic example and my hat is tipped to them as well as the SU Students that come around helping clean up yards for those physically not able to do so themselves.


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