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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Report: Sea Levels To Claim Maryland Coastline Much Faster

A report from the governor's scientific commission due out later today is much more ominous than an earlier study with similar conclusions.

Just five years ago the prediction was that the state's low lying waterfront areas could disappear by a bit less than 3 feet by the end of this century.

But the latest caculations put the loss at possibly closer to 6 feet, with a likely loss rate in the 2-foot range by 2050.

That loss of coastline is believed to be the direct result of global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps.



  1. "From the governors scientific commission" tells me all I need to know. More commie propaganda to provide cover for the dictator.

  2. Good! Let it have them. Beaches around here are nasty.
    Just some more al gore crap!

  3. Climate change is real, those deniers are the same as the flat earth belivers of centuries past. Ignorance is bliss and deadly.

  4. 3-6 feet? That's what has all these tits in an uproar?

  5. Good Ocean City is a Hell Hole anyway.

  6. 12:08 is drunk on the cool-aide.
    Just because you name something global warming then realize it isn't doesn't mean you can change the name to climate change and be credible.
    The climate ALWAYS has changed and ALWAYS will continue to change regardless of anything man does.
    Fossil fuels are here, always have been and always have been ignited with gases released into the atmosphere.

  7. Oh, and the sky will be falling at a faster than normal rate by then, too!


    1. Why thank you Chicken Little, seen Henny Penny lately? How bout Ducky Lucky?

  8. 12:08 go away. if anyone is a flat earther it's people like you who fall for anything.
    climate is cyclical and has been since the beginning of time. you drank the kool aid and joined the church of what's happening now. this is your religion and most of us aren't interested in the lies that are constantly being promoted. you live on emotion and you believe what you're spoon fed.
    do your own research and be your own person. don't believe everything your told.

  9. It can't happen soon enough!
    I believe things will improve for the rest of the shore if it does. Let them find another place to destroy! I avoid the beach right now because of them!

  10. People, tis cannot happen. Mayor Rick pumps sand from you tax dollars every year. Even if the see level rises by 100' feet, he will still have sand for you, parking meters for you to use, and the vendeta mask to greet you!


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