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Thursday, June 13, 2013

'Quit Google, Facebook' Suggests Tech Expert As Surveillance Scandal Deepen

A best-selling author and technology expert has said that web users should boycott internet giants like Google and Facebook if it is confirmed they were involved in a US surveillance programme referred to as Prism.

In an interview with Wired.co.uk, Professor Tim Wu of Columbia Law School suggested that consumers had a responsibility to leave social networks found out to be collaborating secretly with intelligence services such as the US National Security Agency:
"When you have enormous concentrations of data in a few hands, spying becomes very easy"
Tim Wu

"Quit Facebook and use another search engine. It's simple." He added, "It's nice to keep in touch with your friends. But I think if you find out if it's true that these companies are involved in these surveillance programs you should just quit."



  1. If google's in on it, so is yahoo and the rest. If Prism already knows my IP address, then going over to another ISP won't do anything.

  2. The whole purpose of google is data mining, and people give it to them freely.
    I don't use google, or ever been on facebook, I don't tweet with the twits, and I don't have "apps" in my phone that compromise the security (Not that it has any anyway)

  3. I guess I can do something. quit facebook and use bing. as far as I know you can disable the tracking device on the phone. i'm checking into that tomorrow...

  4. why do you think bing is any safer?


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