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Sunday, June 23, 2013


Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi is openly pro-choice, a stance that, quite obviously, contradicts Catholic teaching. After she recently rebuffed a reporter and used her faith to defend her policy views on abortion, it seems at least one priest is calling for her to either comply with — or renounce Catholicism.

In an open letter, Fr. Frank Pavone, national director for Priests for Life, a pro-life organization, made known his discontent with Pelosi’s most recent comments about abortion.

“Last Thursday, June 13, you were asked a question in a press briefing that you declined to answer. The question was, ‘What is the moral difference between what Dr. Gosnell did to a baby born alive at 23 weeks and aborting her moments before birth?,’” Pavone wrote. “Instead of even attempting to answer the question, you resorted to judgmental ad hominem attacks on the reporter who asked it, saying, ‘You obviously have an agenda. You’re not interested in having an answer.’”



  1. Odd really. She said it didnt have anything to do with politics yet last year the theme of the Democratic convention was about the so called War on Women.

    Good for the priest who wrote the letter. We need more Christian voices speaking out.

  2. the catholic church will never do anything about her stance on abortion because she probably gives them a lot of money. they didn't do anything with kennedy for the same reason.

  3. I would love to know how you are aware how much money she donates?

  4. How amusing. Since when, if ever, have Christians of any ilk agreed on what Bible says or means? Aren't there like 30,000 different sects of Christianity? That sure is A LOT of disagreeing on the interpretation of the Bible! Their God is not a god of confusion? Hardly.

    I'm sure Pelosi can wrap it up some way that her support for abortion sits well with her faith, the same as some Christians used to support salvery because it's in the Bible and God sanctions it.

    I gotta say, as an Atheist I find it laughable that Christians try to claim some sort of monopoly on morality. They can't even make up their minds on what is moral or not!

  5. 7:46 it doesn't matter everyone knows they are all about money. Just another corporation.

  6. Finnaly someone has the kahonies to call out the mafia princess, thank God for him.

  7. He was stupid to ask that, or any other question to a Democrat. They are nothing but liars. Like Obama said, "no new taxes on the middle class". Democrats can not be trusted.

  8. 7:52. And we laugh at your lack of faith. Question authority, even the existence of God is a quote from Jefferson. Using ones own intellect to determine right and wrong.

    Respecting human life, especially the innocent is a morale thing to do.

  9. @ 9:59 Really? Laughing at someone because of their lack of faith? That sure sounds like the real "Christian", moral, thing to do!

  10. 10:30. I truly pity you for you obviously have no understanding of faith or freedom of will.

  11. Yup 3:26 Ask anyone who has gotten an annulment. The Catholic Church has rules and principles right up until you write them a check.

  12. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 23, 2013 at 1:50 PM

    The issue we have here is Nancy "Queen of Deception" Pelosi doesn't see anything wrong with Dr. Gosnell killings of 23 week old babies at abortion clinic in Philly. He has been convicted of murders and sentenced to life in prison. There is a bill in the House which would save the life of the babies 20 week or older. . Pelosi, while claiming she is of Catholic faith, is against it and refuses to answer why. The reason is very simple - it would take away money from government created organization called Planned Parenthood, which is, you guessed it, big contributor for Democratic Party. So, if we reduce the number of abortions, it would be less money coming to them. It would also means Planned Parenthood would be receiving less from the Taxpayers Fund. Folks, they have betrayed lives of babies for the MONEY!!! Stop the talk about who would be taking care of who - it is a deception. Do you know how many couples have to adopt babies from overseas? Do you ask why? And instead of killing thousands babies, why not tie the tubes/vasactomy the parents?


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