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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oprah Winfrey And Ellen DeGeneres – Talk Show Celebrities Compare Their Money And Status

Women make an average of 30% less than men: $.70 cents to a man’s $1.00. Women of color fair even worse when it comes to income—making just around $.64 cents to a white man’s dollar. While the odds are against the average woman, especially the average minority woman, in the United States some women have risen above, reaching both superstardom and financial virtue. Two of the most successful and powerful women in the United States today are, without a doubt, Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres.

Oprah and Ellen have beaten all odds when it comes to financial success by hosting some of the most popular daytime television talk shows. Oprah is the wealthiest African American woman in the country, worth over a billion dollars. Ellen is well on her way to becoming just as successful as one of the first openly lesbian TV personalities, and a multi-millionaire.

Not only are Oprah and Ellen both successful in the same industry, but they have been friends for years. Overcoming similar barriers hindering their success, they now are both similarly philanthropic.

1 comment:

  1. It's because most women have flexible jobs and low skill jobs. Think about it, how many women do you know who are construction workers? Not only are these jobs high skilled, but they are also physically demanding beyond what most women are capable of. Women that are nurses or physical therapist bring home the bacon. You can't work for 5 years have a kid or 3 and then go back in the work force 30 hours a week and get the same salary as the guy who has been busting his hump 50 hrs a week with twice as much experience as you in a skilled job. In the public sector women do great, but the private sector needs to make money to stay afloat.


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