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Sunday, June 09, 2013

OCPD Arrest Driver after a Collision Involving 6-Year-Old Pedestrian Crossing in a Crosswalk

On June 1, 2013, at approximately 1:45 p.m. Ocean City Police and EMS responded to the area of
Jasmine Denise Shuman
19th Street and Baltimore Avenue, in reference to a child being struck by a vehicle.

Officers and paramedics arrived at the scene and determined a 6-year-old female and her mother were crossing Baltimore Avenue from east to west in the crosswalk at 19th Street.  The child was struck by a vehicle traveling southbound on Baltimore Avenue.  The child was treated at the scene by OC EMS and later flown by Maryland State Police helicopter to the University Of Maryland Medical Center Shock Trauma for further treatment.

The vehicle, which initially stopped after the collision, left the scene but was later located and stopped by an OCPD foot officer as it was about to head west over the Route 50 Bridge at North Division Street.  The driver of the suspect vehicle was identified as: Jasmine Denise Shuman, 18, of Salisbury. The investigation determined that Shuman was the operator of the vehicle that struck the 6-year-old pedestrian and left the scene.

Shuman was arrested and has been charged with:
  • Failure to Immediately Stop at Scene of Accident involving bodily injury (20-102a1)
  • Failure to Immediately Return and Remain at the Scene of an Accident Involving Bodily Injury (20-102a2)
  • Failure of Drive Involved in Accident to Render Reasonable Assistance to Injured Person (20-104a)
  • Failure of Driver Involved in Bodily Injury Accident to Furnish Required ID and License (20-104b)
  • Failure of Vehicle Driver in Bodily Injury Accident to Exhibit License to a Police Officer (20-104c)
  • Failure Vehicle Driver in Accident to Report Bodily Injury to Nearest Police (20-104d)

Shuman was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was released on $5000 unsecured bond.

At the time of this release the 6-year-old child is being treated for injuries related to the crash and is in stable condition.


  1. Another fine citizen, I bet if Obama had another Daughter, she would look just like her...

  2. $5,000 un secured bond for running over a child and running from the scene?

  3. 9:45 I think your right

  4. Only 5K to hit a child? Slap on the wrist for another crappy person.

  5. This should be JAIL TIME for this outstanding citizen. Bet she contributes a lot to the community too. Yea, right!!!

  6. Let's face it, everybody. It's a new world out there. As she see's it- it's only a life...she doesn't know this person....she doesn't want to go to jail for some accident. A life means less than nothing anymore to some people. Mark my words: She'll get 18 months of easy jail time for this, and serve about six. It's a sign of the times. Sadly.

  7. If the child was in this "so called" cross walk with her mother, why didn't her mother get struck also. Lets just think about it for a moment, I'm by no means excusing this ladies actions and her consequences, my question is what I had posted.

    There is no mention of the mother get injured at all. So let's just say maybe to child was in the crosswalk but ahead of her mother and other family members and just bolted out into the street because her mother couldn't hold her hand or pay more attention to her.

    Does this cross the minds of any other readers on this post?

  8. I'll assume that it was unintentionaal and probably caused by youthful inexperience and inattentiveness.

    The fact that she was heading towards rt. 50 is the real crime. She needs to serve time.

  9. 9:45-Obama is backing Trayvon Martin 100%.Hopefully everyone is aware of that.

  10. If the child was in this "so called" cross walk with her mother, why didn't her mother get struck also. Lets just think about it for a moment, I'm by no means excusing this ladies actions and her consequences, my question is what I had posted.

    YOUR AN IDIOT... You must have voted for Obama

  11. 4:43

    So you blame the mother? Accepting responsibility is a lost art. An accident can happen to anyone, the driver chose to leave the scene. Leaving the scene was the big mistake, she had to know better and was just ignoring what she had done to get away.

  12. 12:04 I'm not an Idiot, I was just trying to figure out how the mother didn't get injured during this tragic accident, since it was stated in the article that they were BOTH in the crosswalk. As a matter of fact sounds like your the "IDIOT" because you had t go to name calling and couldn't think of anything better to add to your comment.

    Come on if you can't figure out what to say at least look at other's comments and pick something out of theirs to add to yours to make it sound just a bit intelligent.

    4:43, No I'm not blaming the mother either but if she was holding her child's hand as she should have been or had another family member hold her daughter's hand while they crossed over a extremely busy street (especially due to what was going on that weekend). But if she really was then apparently from what Im hearing is that she should of also been struck.

    And I will agree with you that accepting some responsibility is a losing art. I know that an accident can happen to anyone, but in this instance maybe taking responsibility should be on both parts, the mother and the driver.


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