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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Obama Must Use 'Fear

Despite mounting evidence of the federal government's abuse of power, Politico's analysts have decided that the cure for Obama's second-term "doldrums" are that he must use "fear" to exert his will on Washington.

"Obama does not instill fear--one of the customary instruments of presidential power," write John F. Harris, Jake Sherman, and Elizabeth Titus. The president should make clear "that people have good reason to be afraid of him," they quote another analyst as saying. They add that Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) believes Obama should be "more forceful," and seem to lament, along with one Democratic strategist, that "there’s not a single member of either party who fears paying a political price" for disagreeing with Obama.



  1. Lets see now, isn't that what they accused Bush of doing???

    Fear mongering??

    And all because he actually thought terrorism, in the wake of 9/11, was a wake up call to America.


  2. Why use fear when you're populous loves him like a god and are too stupid to think for themselves and need the govt to help them live?

    Why use fear when you're populous is too stupid to know what you mean or what you way?

  3. I'd be happy if he'd remember the campaign promises of transparency and hope and change. Ain't seen none of it!

  4. Nothing about him will make me happy unless it would be his leaving office.


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