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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Nepotism In Intern Hiring 'Widely Accepted' At DOE, Report Says

It appears to be a widely accepted practice at the Energy Department to advocate for hiring employees' relatives as interns, the DOE office of inspector general says in a report dated June 6.

The OIG came to that conclusion in the course of its inspection of an Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy senior official, whose three children all received internships at the department in 2012. The official told auditors that he didn't think he had done anything wrong and that, based on his observations, trying to secure internships for relatives was common at the department.

Two officials who made the hiring decisions in question also said they believed it was common practice to advocate for internships for one's relatives, the report (.pdf) says. They also said they didn't believe there was a violation of nepotism rules because the interns did not directly report to their father.



  1. Hey, we want the government to be run more like a private business, right?

  2. The Board of Ed has been doing that for years.

    1. So true. You can't get a job at the Board of Ed if you aren't related to someone. No wonder it is so corrupt.

  3. 2:26 - Ocean City has been doing it much longer than them which is why the town is so corrupt and they make suckers of out-of-town property owners by sucking them dry each year in property & other taxes and BS fees.


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