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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Multiple Stabbings In Ocean City

At approximately 1:30 AM this morning three teenagers were stabbed as a result of a large fight in the area of 119th Street and No. Assawoman Drive. A teenage male and female were flown to PRMC with serious wounds. The third male was transported by Ambulance to the Trauma Center. Their current condition is unknown.


  1. All OC needs now is Casino's on the boardwalk.

  2. What an outhouse Ocean City has become. This is nothing new-been going on for years. What is more important than providing a safe environment for residents and visitors? Instead this half assed council new majority more worried about establishing useless committees so their insecure friends can feel important instead of concentrating on what's important.
    There's no police chief yet because to worried about parking meters. I bet if the old majority were in place chief would have been picked months ago that is of course if those classless and tacky inclined to show off certain council members would have stayed in on the interviews.

  3. We need background checks for knives! this is the second stabbing in less than a week in OC!

  4. I've talked personally to like half a dozen different people who along with family and friends attended the air show last weekend. When I asked them how the show was the conversation immediately took a different turn (by them) and went into how ghetto Ocean City has become.
    One father told me he dropped $800 in one hour on food and drinks, chairs and other things and spent $1200 total that day. He said if they want people like him or the ghetto bunch they better do something immediately.

  5. Actually, the problems that OC is experiencing for the past two weeks is a combination of:
    1. Senior Week - and a growing attitude that being a "Thug" is a glamorous lifestyle.
    2. Jersey beaches being closed. Gangs that usually frequent those beaches are coming to OC.
    3. Permitting Rap concerts at the Convention Center

    Hold onto your hats when the DEW Tour hits town. It's all gonna happen again.

  6. Where is the control on stabbing instruments? Sharp, pointed objects have no place in our warm fuzzy society.

  7. There's no way to clean this up to make it politically correct, so I just have to tell it like it is.
    In the late 60's in Baltimore, riots would ensue after each and every Black concert at the downtown Civic Center. Windows smashed, stores and cars looted, shoplifting at stores, and many fights.
    The City of Baltimore decided to ban the concerts. Not only the Black groups - but ALL concerts, even though there was rarely any incident after any White acts performed there.
    OC had better start thinking about doing the same thing.
    I'm positive that OC lost forever a good percentage of the family trade because of the incidents that were caused - in part - by the event at the Convention Center.
    To the resort vacationer, safety is the #1 concern. OC better step up and control this problem, or it's going to be a long, hot summer. The future of this resort is at stake.

  8. 11:16 You hit the nail on the head. There are too many council people that will not address the issue. What is so politically incorrect about addressing a gang issue? When there is a crime issue, there is no black and white.


  10. This is MD we need a 7 day waiting period background check fingerprinting a safety course and a state police license to buy a knife and no high capacity sheath for the knife either and ban all assault knives this is O'land and we need to pass laws against or lawful rights our tax us into poverty

  11. BAN KNIVES...

  12. I can remember when the only thing up the beach were dunes and the new 1st high rise. We camped out and road the waves and then when to city lunch for the catch of the day for dinner. These were innocent times and I'm so thankful that I grew up in that time. I go to the beach now and it is still beautiful but the sights and sounds are shocking. No sweet innocence any longer. This is no longer a family resort. Sad but true.

  13. I remember when OC stopped basically at 33rd street beyond that dunes with w occasional shack in between the dunes. Now all you hear is not the surf but the wail of police, ambulance and fire sirens all day and most the night. How is that a 'Family Resort'. We (my family) go to the Outer Banks for our time at the beach! You can keep the inner city noise of OC, I would not even recommend it to those I dislike!!

  14. We rented an upscale condo in OC and had a nightmare experience. We needed help and called the police. The police couldn't find our location even after I gave them the street, name of condo area, number of unit. The local police are not locals and can't find their way around..not to mention the traffic. I would never rent on the island again. This was a real eye opening experience.


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