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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Mississippi Governor: Educational Troubles Began When ‘Mom Got In The Workplace’

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) said Tuesday that America’s educational troubles began when women began working outside the home in large numbers.

Bryant was participating in a Washington Post Live eventfocused on the importance of ensuring that children read well by the end of third grade. In response to a question about how America became “so mediocre” in regard to educational outcomes, he said:

I think both parents started working. The mom got in the work place.
Bryant immediately recognized how controversial his remark would be and said he knew he would start to get e-mails. He then expanded on his answer, saying that “both parents are so pressured” in families today. He also noted that America seemed to be losing ground internationally in regards to educational outcomes because other nations began to invest more in their own school systems and make progress.


  1. He was perfectly correct in his first statement. Mom's don't need to be in the work place!

  2. Finally! Someone who gets it! We as a nation will never get ahead educationally regardless of high stakes testing or teacher evaluations or Common core or ANYTHING else unless we can create a culture that VALUES education as a whole. Until we, as a culture do this, we are funneling money down a deep dark hole!

  3. And dont forget..The communist indoc centers of usa teach marxism..LBJ..also contributed with the massive family crushing welfare to single moms..

  4. Many nations spend money on providing challenging work for their most capable students. They don't concentrate all of their resources on those who refuse to learn or behave.

  5. 7:33. Moms belong in the work place as much as anyone else. It takes two people working to afford to live and raise their children these days.

  6. 7:33...Seriously? Maybe they also don't need to get college degrees since they shouldn't be in the workplace. Lets see how many teachers we have left with no moms in the workplace. Oh yeah, sorry, if you're a mom, you shouldnt be a nurse, doctor, lawyer, accountant, waitress, pharmacist, store clerk, salesperson, veterinarian, etc, etc, etc..... Heck, moms shouldn't be able to vote either. Makes life choices a lot easier for young women. If you want to be a mom, you don't need to worry about an education or career or a job at all. Your husband will provide for all your and your children's financial needs. You will live like a queen.

  7. 10:30 PM the only reason I will agree with you is because of the cost of living these days and you can thank the damn tax and spend liberal Democrats for this. I bet you are one that voted for Obama and you are to stupid to realize what you did.

    Wasn't life simpler during the times of "Father Knows Best" and "Leave it to Beaver." The mother stayed home and raised children, cooked and kept the home. There wasn't over 50% marriages failing and cheating spouses. The cheating spouses came about when the women started working and they were exposed to more temptation. I am sure that gene was always with them, but the temptation is what got them and brought down the educational system as well as the family.

  8. 9:30 pm must be another liberal that only knows how to worry about spending other peoples money. Don't you idiots know anything else to talk about. Where do you think this free money is coming from to spend on what ever the hell you are talking about. You made a statement and never cited your sources so we are supposed to believe your statement as factual? Oh right, you are a democrat.

  9. Republicans will swiftly lose what power we have left with the ridiculous sentiments posed by 7:33 and 11:44. Sorry. It's not 1950 anymore and I'm glad of it.

  10. 11:44. Look up the tax rates during the "father knows best days" blows your whole comment out of the water.

  11. 11:44...women have a gene that increases their temptation to cheat ?? And this brought down the education system? What about men? Who exactly are the women cheating with? No temptation to cheat gene for men? And people say the war on women is just made up liberal propaganda. Just listen to yourselves.

  12. and hes right. no matter how you FEEL about it, if you THINK about it, hes 100% correct.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Republicans will swiftly lose what power we have left with the ridiculous sentiments posed by 7:33 and 11:44. Sorry. It's not 1950 anymore and I'm glad of it.

    June 5, 2013 at 5:42 AM

    Obviously you are not a Republican and if you are you have no values. I am sure you voted for Obama and other Democrats anyway.

  14. Anonymous said...
    11:44. Look up the tax rates during the "father knows best days" blows your whole comment out of the water.

    June 5, 2013 at 6:25 AM

    I've got a novel idea! Prove it!

    By the way what was the cost of living compared to your tax rate?

  15. Anonymous said...
    11:44...women have a gene that increases their temptation to cheat ?? And this brought down the education system? What about men? Who exactly are the women cheating with? No temptation to cheat gene for men? And people say the war on women is just made up liberal propaganda. Just listen to yourselves.

    June 5, 2013 at 8:28 AM

    Wah, Wah, Wah. Many women are just plain trash and will sleep with anyone. I feel confident YOU cheated at least once in your lifetime.

  16. 11:09. Real classy.


  17. In 1958, for example, there were 24 brackets (versus 6 today) and the top rate was 91 percent (versus 35 percent today)

    Forbes 12/22/2012:
    Mark Perry has posted some interesting comparison of how prices have plummeted between 1958 and 2012 when measured in terms of the hours of work required to purchase items. He concludes that today’s consumer working at the average wage of $19.19 would only have to work 26.6 hours (a little more than three days) to earn enough income ($511) to purchase a toaster, TV and iPod. The equivalent products (in terms of their basic function, not their quality) would have required 4.64 weeks of work in 1958. In short, the “time cost” of these items has massively declined by 86% in less than 5 decades.


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