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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Military Benefits For Same-Sex Couples To Begin Sept. 1

The Pentagon plans to begin issuing identification cards to the same-sex partners of service members beginning Sept. 1, according to an internal personnel Web posting on Thursday.

The dependents’ ID cards will entitle partners to scores of benefits, as outlined by then-Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta in a February policy decision.

The ID card Web notice refers to same-sex domestic partners as “SSDPs.”

The benefits include education, survivor, commissary, travel, counseling and transportation, but not what some consider the armed forces’ premium perks — health care and housing allowances.

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  1. And the once greatest military in the world now falls apart. I see future drafts because enlistment will fall. I wouldn't want to enlist based on my objection to homosexuality and lesbianism. I think that too would be a valid objection to being drafted.

  2. Let the acronyms be deciphered! There are SO many possbiliites...none very flattering.

  3. GROSS and WRONG!!

  4. What a disgrace!!!!!! And 12:37 You are right!!!!!!!


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