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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Melee Breaks Out On Boards After Dew Tour Concert Ends

A crowd of hundreds drew Ocean City police to the Boardwalk at North Division Street following the conclusion of the free Dew Tour concert Friday by electro-punk trio Krewella.

The concert had just ended when the Boardwalk became packed with its spectators and others shortly after 10 p.m. Numerous police were already on hand because of the large crowd that was dispersing.

At about that time, Cpl. Todd Spiegle saw a fight involving several people at North Division Street.

“A large crowd of several hundred began yelling and screaming and running in different directions when the fight broke out,” Spiegle wrote in a charging document. “Several officers were engaged with subjects who were fighting.”

One man, Bradley George Knight, 18, of Bel Air, was fighting, “throwing punches and wildly swinging his body,” according to Spiegle.



  1. There was no coverage of this in the MSM.Is this a joke?

    1. Ocean City Today is MSM! What are you talking about?

  2. So I get to be the first one to say "I told you so".

  3. OC....WAKE UP! You CANNOT have acts performing in town that can possibly create disturbances. PLEASE take a look at Disney World. They would NEVER allow such acts in their realm. Between the "car show" and the DEW Tour, this town is losing the family business. Don't forget our roots...

  4. Quit complaining and feed the meter!

  5. Anyone who thinks the "Dew Tour" (dumb name to begin with) doesn't attract rowdy young people from other areas is living in a dream world. The "Dew Tour" isn't exactly something that is ever going to attract a higher class of people in town for a weekend stay.

  6. 2:48 You are kidding right? Family resort? That concept is still being pedaled 30 years beyond reality. Besides, who knows if the melee had anything to DEW with the show.

  7. So I see there was a shooting last night in the "family resort." It was bound to happen. Anyone sitting back and watching how chaotic the place has become in recent years and how this was ignored by those intent on perpetuating the faux "family resort" image could see it coming.
    A new police chief is taking over. The mayor and council need to let Chief Buzzaro (not sure of spelling) do his job. Former chief was instrumental in OC becoming what is it today by being what appeared to be a "yes" person inclined only to help the powers that be maintain the faux family resort image.
    For years everything we heard coming from the PD explained away everything as being an "isolated incident." Problem was, these "isolated incidences" were happening on a weekly , if not more, basis.
    People haven't been able to walk the boardwalk for years now and feel completely save with the large groups of unsavory looking, vulgarity spewing, jerks roaming up there.

  8. It's a resort for families and rowdy drunks. The best of both worlds a place where you can have your cake an eat it too. Vacation spots all around the world share in these issues. In fact Disney is centered around the children and yet at night there are entire sections of Downtown Disney full of bars and rowdy patrons. If you don't like how OC is then stay the hell home and complain on a blog. Oh that's right you already do that. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

  9. "Besides, who knows if the melee had anything to DEW with the show"

    Keep on kidding yourself if that's what makes you happy 7:09. I heard that many hotel/motel rooms were trashed by young people in town for the Dew Tour.
    Go to the many extreme sports facebook pages and it doesn't take long to see a lot of the fans are of a lower class. Then go to an equestrian event page or a cheerleader or ice skating and compare. The extreme sports some commenters talk the ghetto talk, showing off "tats", pictures of persons doing rude gestures, none of which you see on the more genteel sport pages.

  10. One person being arrested is considered a melee? If the Dew Tour is a problem then we need to cancel all other venues that come to town like the bikers, classic cars and vw's....it is way more dangerous being on the road with people racing up and down coastal highway. Not to mention the obnoxious noise levels.

  11. We stayed in O.C. For a week.....(this June)....during that time there were 5 stabbings and right outside our Condo a fight of about 50 people. I think only a couple of the stabbings were reported. Sirens went off all night. We never went on the boardwalk after 9:00 p.m. Scary place nowadays.

  12. Do away with all of it, DEW tour, car show, bike week, etc. Nothing but problems.

  13. Of course there was no mention of this on local MSM. Geez, we don't want to scare these folks coming to the "Family Resort" on 4th of July. So, folks come on to the boardwalk, pay $50 parking and enjoy the rubbing your elbows in the crowd. And don't worry about those unruly hudlums hanging around the corners, that's just a few "kids" from Dew Tour last weekend. Sorry, No, Thanks.

  14. 8:44 We all get it. You don't like skateboarders and action sports athletes. You choose to label a whole crowd as low class when you see people with tattoos. No I have never been to an equestrian event but the worst behavior I have ever witnessed was screaming parents (fans) on the sidelines of a high school lacrosse game. Talk about low class.

  15. Who the hell wants to pick a fight at Disney world?

  16. 9:14 I'm not sure you know what "melee" means. It's a fight among several people and has nothing to do with how many people are arrested. A melee doesn't even have to mean just fighting but also the confusion surrounding it.
    As far as the car shows, the spring and fall big ones attract a crowd that's find but the other ones with those cars that sit low to the ground attract a scary bunch.

  17. 10:29-I once saw a drunk guy at Disney World knock Goofy clear off of his feet.Security came out of no where as if by magic and carted him off.

  18. 8:37-Who are you fooling! Yes all over Disney World in the evening you see drunks taking leaks behind buildings and people are pulling knifes on others left and right.
    BTW-Disney has a dress code for both park and their restaurants-check it out.

  19. 10:58 You think the spring and fall car events are fine? I disagree. Do you live in Ocean City? I do. The noise is terrible. Cars peeling wheels and drag racing down coastal highway day and night. Gridlock traffic. Very tasteless and dangerous behavior.

  20. I just read an article from April saying that the Dew Tour is DOWN to only 3 stops this year.
    I wonder why. Could it be that they can't find any more places willing to host for some reason?

  21. 11:53 I think it's the caliber of people that different events attract is what's at issue here and the crime associated with that.
    I wasn't even sure what the Dew Tour was so looked it up and one of the first things I saw was that Lil Wayne performed at one. That's all I need to know about the type of crowd this event attracts.

  22. This type of entertainment should be held at UMES. Ocean City is not staffed with proper security.

  23. 11:53 yes I agree it is all about the caliber of people that come to the events. I feel very sorry for you that you judge people without ever going to an action sports event. Many of the people attending are families and people that enjoy sports. The fact that you now equate little Wayne with skateboarding and bmx shows how little knowledge you have on the subject. I do think you are very odd to keep harping on the dew tour when you really know nothing about it.

    There are clearly more crimes being committed during bike and car weeks.

  24. I was there every day. Isaw with my own eyes what was going on. Huge crowds of people enjoying the show. Incredible athleticism, free stuff everywhere, free concerts. You are bound to have a jerk or two in any festival type crowd. You naysayers were just waiting for any news to jump on so you could rant about Ocean City! "Oh the young people today!" Blah blah blah. Look I get it you are really old and afraid and the world is going to h*ll in a hand basket. Stay Home. It is safe there. Keep your gun trained on the door. You'll be OK. Me? I'll be in Ocean City every day. Enjoying the beach and boards with my family.

  25. 4:10 - from the snotty tone of your post and emphasis on 'free stuff', I'd suggest you fit right in with the OC crowd. Beach and boards? I'll be in Bethany.

  26. As a former police officer in Ocean City the term "family resort" has been a farce for almost 20 years now. With violent crimes, sexual assaults & rampant drug use being a part of daily life in the town of Ocean City the shangrala town of the 60's & 70's is gone and it's been replaced by the second largest city in the state of Maryland for almost 4 months of the year and the town has the crime to go along with the size since the criminal element increases exponentially as well. If you send your kids there unadvisedly for a work opportunity in a quant little beach town it's official you have lost your minds! For years the release of information regarding crime in Ocean City has been a closely guarded and understated. So go to the beach enjoy it just be sure you're out of town by dark!

  27. We went to the boardwalk on Saturday late afernoon of the Dew Tour to grab a sandwich and I don't know if it was related to the tour or not but saw more seedy looking young people with pants hanging down and butts showing then ever before. A few were carrying skateboards. We were parked in a friend's lot and since we had our dog we ate in the car. While eating 2 skateboarders came along went into the lot and used some of the parking bumpers as ramps. Then one disappeared behind the dumpster and when he emerged he was pulling up his fly. Then they took of skateboarding down the alley. This was in broad daylight.

  28. Yep, 8:37 All that "free" stuff attracts the type of people who don't have the common decency to use the restroom when they have to go.
    We were there for the weekend with some friends from Manhattan. They took a walk just at sunrise. When they got back they commented that Ocean City smelled just like NY subway tunnels when it rains due to all the bums peeing in them.

  29. LOL 8:37. Didn't you just love the condescending patronizing attitude which was then nullified and the true colors (member of the entitlement crowd) emerging with the obvious excitement over the "free stuff." I can just picture 4:10 having a psychotic break when they found out they weren't going to get a free hotdog at the event.

  30. Geez, 3:12 If anything/one is to be found "odd" it's you. You sound as if you have a bit of nervous maniacal paranoia going on. Someone equating the type of musical entertainment played at a venue to the type of crowd it attracts and whether they would enjoy it or not can hardly be construed as "harping."
    Your assessment is off the wall and quite frankly, weird.

  31. 11:15 after reading your comment I would like to add that your assessment is ill informed, judgmental and bigoted. You are pompous and oh yeah....very, very odd.

    Over and out.

  32. Remember the liberal MD politician/tax system rant, we got to "Reach the Beach" at all costs. Sorry about OC being located in the outhouse (Eastern Shore) of MD. Like the local OC police said "nothing to see here, move on, this is normal". I think we need to create a new tax MOM would never think of. Tax all Baltimorons and DC area scum that come over the bridge a "Crime tax" to pay for the crap they bring with then to OC. Hopefully MOM doesn't see this post or I would be partially responsible for his 138th new MD tax.

  33. Former police office is correct about them wanting to keep crime in oc a secret. There's proof right in a dispatch article where someone gives Ashley the dickens for daring to mention to a Baltimore news station that oc has a gang problem.
    How dare that councilman for being honest and informing people especially parents who may be wanting to keep their children away from gang influences.
    That commenter was called "porter" and they are shameful for wanting to hide this from concerned parents.

  34. Sorry 12:21- I read the comments and I have to agree with 11:15.
    Making one reference to the Dew Tour and even admitting they didn't know much about it hardly constitutes harping, which BTW to the informed means persistent talk or write.
    Exaggerated perception of something is a symptom of paranoia.


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