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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Md. Sex Offender Gets Name Removed From List

WASHINGTON - The door has been opened to the possibility that the names of hundreds of sex offenders could be removed from the Maryland registry.

A former junior high school teacher was convicted in 2006 of child sex abuse, but he's succeeded in getting his name removed from the state registry of sex offenders.

His legal victory could pave the way for others.

Robert Merle Haines Jr., 53, pleaded guilty in 2006 to child sex abuse that he committed in 1984. He has successfully argued that his name should not be on the sex offender list because it was created in 1995, after he committed his crime. In March, the state Supreme Court agreed, but the corrections department kept his name on the list.



  1. The end of this costly ineffective list is coming soon. They need to tell the truth on the high costs of running this ever growing list and the small amount of funding they now get from the feds for meeting federal guidelines to get this small amount of funds. I only wish they would do a REAL study on how effective or ineffective this list is and is it worth the costs in the long run to the taxpayers only for votes for Politicians for passing feel good laws with NO bite to them. Anyone that studies sex crimes will know that most if not all sexual crimes are committed by someone close to the victim and not stranger. Many states are now finding that their own registry is in fact very costly and ineffective and has refused to meet federal guidelines and looking at changing their own registry as they are ineffective in their use. And I have always said that if the registry is so effective. Why not create one for ALL types of violent criminals and warn the public of all types of violent criminals. But in fact our Politicians know these types of list are ineffective and costly and have refused to create more of them as some of their own family members or themselves may end up on one. One of the best ones they could create is a Spousal Abuse Registry to stop all of the spousal abuse out there and how about a Gun Offender registry with all the gun crimes we have today.

  2. I bet he's happy! This opens up a whole new market for him. Maybe working in the school business.

  3. 11:49
    Only shows you how uneducated you are as the crime will still show up on his criminal background check. So do your homework. Most employers if any ever checks the sex offender registry as they run background checks for employment purposes. On the most part the only people that goes and read the sex offender registry is nitty bitty nosey people with no life and nothing to do all day.
    And Folks need to smell the coffee as it is not the ones that been caught we need to worry about, but those who are still out there and not been caught and it seems there are more and more of them showing up in our school systems as they are so hard up for people and will hire anyone with a STILL clean background and right education.

  4. I don't think many of these people will ever change. They are pedophiles. Just like the Muslims who support child abuse sexual acts and call it marriage. These people are who they are. A list won't change them. But, as a parent, I did check it when they were little and unable to defend themselves against these animals.

  5. 7:02
    Please get some knowledge on a matter you seem to know nothing about. A study by the D.O.J. shows and proves that former sex offenders have the lowest rate of reoffending than ANY other criminals. So when you want to talk about people changing. Learn the facts first and then post. As I have said before and will continue to say. It is not those we know of we need to worry about. It is those who have not been caught and in many cases still working in our school systems and as law enforcement.

    1. or have learned how to get off smarter. most criminals do have the ability to not get caught the same way twice. but do repeat. and some are just so good at what ever ... they never get caught.

      i know i dont make the same mistake twice.im sure criminals are smart as well and ever learning.

  6. once a sex offender...always one

  7. I've got a feeling that June 23, 2013 at 9:16 AM is a registered sex offender!!

  8. The Sex Offender Registry is just for public knowledge. If an employer does a criminal background check, his conviction will still be there. So people need to use case search more often in lieu of the sex offender registry.


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