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Friday, June 21, 2013

Mayors Push To Stop Food Stamps From Being Used To Buy Sugary Drinks

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Waging war against obesity. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, and more than a dozen mayors across the country, are making a push to stop food stamps from being used to purchase sugary drinks and snacks.

Last year, about 47 million Americans were using food stamps, or the SNAP assistance government program. Some of that money was used to purchase not-so-healthy items. And that’s something this group of mayors wants to change.

Behind the bubbles and fizz are what Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake calls a sugary drink linked to health risks.



  1. Aaaand if you have an IPhone or pullup in a Caddy/Benz - you get financial counseling instead of food stamps - spend your money on healthy food instead of luxuries. It really makes me sick to see the unhealthy lifestyles coupled with their entitlist attitudes!

  2. Notice the Majority of people on food stamps are obese.....?

    1. not really i see all types.of people on fs

  3. Longggggg overdue.

  4. it will never pass.. just my opinion


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