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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Lost Dog 6-6-13: UPDATE

UPDATE: I was contacted this morning that a younger couple down the street from where I live found her the same day she was lost. I went and picked her up about 20 minutes ago. They were very kind people and took great care of her the past two days. I would like to thank you and everyone else who sent their best wishes and suggestions.
The most important lesson I have learned from this experience is that we still exist in a world where we can depend on the kindness of strangers.
- Jonathan

Today, June 6th, I lost my beloved dog. Her name is Nina. She is 4 yrs old and only 4 to 5 lbs. she is black with tan markings on her face and feet. She has a great disposition and the sweetest personality. She does not bite. 

My friend suggested contacting you to post this information because other dogs have been found this way. I appreciate any assistance you can other in this manner. 

She was lost at Spruell Dr. Salisbury. By the practice fields at Salisbury University off of South Division St.

My contact information is: Jonathan McCabe Jonathan.t.mccabe@gmail.com 443-614-8170


  1. what area was she lost in?

  2. She was lost on Spruell Dr. by the Salisbury University practice fields.

  3. Have you put out flyers, called the Humane Society here?

  4. Yes I have called the Humane Society and put out 100 flyers around the general area.

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    "I appreciate any assistance you can offer in this matter."

  5. Try going door to door in the surrounding area, leaving flyers if you haven't already.
    I would also call the City of Salisbury to see if they've picked her up also taking them a pic. My understanding is County & City are to different enities at the humane society. They have the City dogs in the back to the right . When I went out there recently---It was locked & I was unable to go in ----- the Cty Humane Society told me ---- that area was for dogs picked up in the City & I could "view them on line."

    Keep going out to the HS to look as things can change over night . Give all of them the flyer too.

    I have a dog just like her----know what they mean to you! I sure hope you will find her soon.

  6. If she is skittish around strangers and/or being outside alone or in the rain she may be holed up somewhere close by.
    Years ago my friend was dog sitting and the dog escaped. The animal control lady in OC told us to leave the door open the dog usually goes in and out of. We sat for about 2 hours quietly in another room and sure enough the pup came through the door. Then a few years later my cat escaped who had never been outside and I did the same thing and within a few hours she came running in the open door.

  7. Thank you all for your suggestions. I have tried all of the above and will continue to do so.

  8. A very nice couple. I think the world of people who are willing to take a strange wandering animal (obviously a pet) in, most likely saving the animal from an untimely death or injury from a vehicle or something else.

  9. So glad you found your baby!


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