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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Can't Wait To Tax It!


  1. No one is taxing the rain. They are taxing you for laying concrete and asphalt. We could have a productive debate on the best solutions if folks would actually choose to become informed on the issues.

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 26, 2013 at 12:41 PM

      So and that's Ok? We are already paying property tax, income tax, state tax, county tax, city tax, sales tax. They already raised tax on alcohol and tobacco and that wasn't enough. Starting July 1st additional tax on gas, like the price of gallon of gas wasn't already high enough. Bay Bridge fee is going up to $6.00 and now they want us to pay Rain Tax because you may have too much asphalt in your driveway or your concrete pad is too big, are you kidding? So, all these big retail stores will be forced to pay very large tax for all their parking lots - and they will be raising their prices - and we, the consumers will get screwed again, When gallon of milk will go from $4 to $6, you be blaming who, the Food Lion? Remember when they started Maryland Lottery years ago and said money go to the Fund for schools and it's All For Children? Guess what? Schools got squat and there is No Money left in the Fund, so where did the money go? Look at all those Yachts and Big Boats cruising on the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay - those are your elected officials having another fundraiser.
      Hows that for the Debate?

  2. To Poster 10:18 Am:

    YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID, That is all!!!

  3. Go Gov O'M! You the man!

  4. 10:18
    So why are some of the counties that surround the bay not being taxed? If this money is to go to cleaning up the bay shouldn't everyone be paying for it?

  5. 10:18 This is just another business friendly move by O'Malley. I propose a tax surcharge for every registered Democrat in Maryland. That money would go to 11:04s post on trying to fix stupid.

  6. My house is built on poles and I have a crushed stone driveway. I'll bet my next pay check that when Wicomical county implements the tax, I'll have to pay it.
    I also pay a flush tax but the city of salisbury dumps sewage in the river....hmmmm. Don't make good sense to me!

  7. People sell your homes and get out ...I am.

  8. Governor O'Dumbass cannot think clearly with head stuck up Obamas ass all the time.

  9. Just another elitist liberal tax to keep us 99%ers poor and dependent on government!WAKE UP PEOPLE!


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