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Sunday, June 09, 2013


I live in Wicomico county Maryland. I have been trying to work with my local county council to try to resolve the sunken sewage system on my property. It's been this way for over two months. I am not allowed to get it fixed without facing legal recourse from the county. they told me I am not eligible for assistance because I am trying to modify my mortgage. After trying to contact my council rep several times with no avail I mentioned that I might contact the local media I was told go ahead the council doesn't care they're used to it. In the mean time I have raw sewage in my yard for two months with no end in site. I am contacting you cause I don't know what else to do. Please help if you can, or if anyone has any advice, no one in Maryland government cares. In the mean time the sewage keeps over flowing and the county threatens my family if we do anything. I realize in the big picture this isn't news worthy except if it's you yard with the smell and environmental damage. I live within a half hour drive of the Chesapeake bay, Atlantic ocean and minutes from the Wicomico river.


  1. You have some major health issues with this condition . I don't understand their excuse about modifying your mortgage .
    Are expecting the county to repair the system?

  2. Have you contacted the Environmental protection people?

  3. Simple. Just call the EPA. They will make you move out and you can live under the RR bridge with other homeless people. Or better than that, call O'Malley and he can send some rain tax money down for you.

  4. who is your council rep? with all the council drama, it would be interesting to know.

  5. What part of the county do you live in?

  6. You should have not told anyone and replaced the system yourself or with the help of a friend with a backhoe. The county is a waste of time, money and effort....they will tell you you must do this or that and can't replace existing system yada yada yada.

  7. 10:05 Is right... Never tell County anything, all they want is your money.

  8. if you're not in a "development", have it done yourself by a friend and don't contact the county. too many regs. they will do everything in their power to destroy you, your family and your property.

  9. Unfortunately, unresponsive behavior is typical for the county council.

    Perhaps no one has the authority to make a decision on your behalf. That's what I was told after my last encounter with them.

  10. I would like to know who your county council rep is also. Now you can't even do what people on here are suggesting cause the county will now be watching to see if you do anything and then they will, without a doubt, contact you.
    That's how local government works -they learned from Nobama and Nomalley.

  11. Gosh, Worcestor Cty. must have some "Bad A--" people there!

  12. Get all your facts tog.firts ---then call all the news papers & TV stations.

  13. Are you saying you cannot fix this yourself without an assistance program? Is that the connection with the mortgage modification?

    If there is no restriction on you getting it fixed by yourself without assistance but you cannot afford it, you should contact local churches and service agencies for assistance. If you go outside of the government for help, you are more likely to get what you need.

  14. go poop on the county's property for a week.

  15. Call the Water Keepers Alliance. They sued The Hudson farm in Berlin it and it was treated. Being yours in untreated, they would have a ball with you. Probably the issue of "eligibility for assistance" is where the real hangup is.

  16. Thinking about this, it makes no sense at all. When I had to replace my septic I had to deal with the Health Department, not the county council. What gives here?

  17. First as a property owner I call a septic company and talk to them. I believe the burden is on you to correct the problem. No one is going to help you if you cannot afford to fix it unless you have family connections . the health Dept will condemn your property/ dwelling because it is not working and the raw sewage. I went through this when a landlord would not pay to fix their problem, ended up having to move. Sorry to give you the bad news.

  18. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Do it yourself.

  19. I'll bet your council rep is Sheree Sample-Hughes. She is the biggest waste of space on the council. She never answers emails or phone calls. She does her quarterly show up around the district but does absolutely nothing. Typical Democrat.

  20. I think this is an issue with the Health Department & not the county. So, please, all get a grip and stop blaming the council, especially Sheree Sample-Hughes.
    This person writing this post is out of touch. He/She probably never ever spoke to anyone on the council or in the Executive office about this. Joe, you should get to the bottom of this.

  21. 8:08. you are correct. The state health department oversees septic installations.

    writer and most of the commenters are simply ignorant of the facts and look for someone to blame rather than accepting any personal responsibility

  22. Go ahead and keep bashing the health department and the county BUT don not complain when they condemn your home as unsafe and throw you out of it!! You and only you are responsible for your septic system so suck it up and get it fixed. This is one of the joy's of being a homeowner. Stop depending on the government to bail you out and pay your bills and as others have said just fix it yourself!


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