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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Gov. Martin O'Malley Rings Up $9.5 Billion In New Taxes

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has approved 40 new and increased taxes and fees since he took office in 2007 that are projected to cost Marylanders $9.5 billion through fiscal 2014.

"Nobody expected the total impact to be this staggering, not even me," said Larry Hogan, founder of conservative group Change Maryland, which compiled a report on the increases.

O'Malley's office says the increased revenue helped buoy a state ravaged by the recession and reeling from his predecessor.



  1. His predecessor did some ravaging too - oh never-mind - those were fees not taxes......

  2. An now he is getting ready to take in Syrian refuges which I'm sure there will be a tax on us for them. What have the Syrians ever done to help our country.

  3. Well aren't we all just surprised. Lets all vote another one in next time. Head out of sand ... vote...head back in sand

  4. Anonymous said...
    His predecessor did some ravaging too - oh never-mind - those were fees not taxes......

    June 12, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    A Democrat troll has responded. Is that you Liarton or is it Cookie?


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