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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gore Says Obama Needs To Get Serious On Dealing With Hotcoldwetdry

Alternate headline: Man with massive “carbon footprint” and lots of money at stake says other man with largest “carbon footprint” in the world needs to Do Something about no statistically significant warming in 15+ years

(Politico) Add Al Gore to the chorus of environmentalists who say it’s time for President Barack Obama to get serious about climate change.

The former vice president used a Google+ plus video chatTuesday to tell supporters that Obama needs to go beyond his “great words” on the topic, and to lament that the president has yet to assemble a team to spearhead his second-term climate agenda.

Gore echoed the complaints of other green activists who say Obama isn’t moving fast enough — and who are pleading with him not to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada.

“I hope that he’ll get moving on to follow up on the wonderful pledges he made in his inaugural speech earlier this year and then soon after in his State of the Union,” Gore said. “Great words. We need great actions now.”



  1. al gore and all your cronies and kool aid drinkers; Shut Up. you aren't God. our climate has been cyclical since the beginning of time. you can't control it. it's absurd to think you can. just shrink up and go away. why; because your getting on my last nerve. i'm sick and tired of your lies and scare tactics so you can squeeze more money out of me.

    by the way. we are now in a cooling cycle you idiot.

  2. Thank you 10:16!!! Al Gore owns a company by the name of Gore and Blood. They make millions upon millions by charging companies and governments for carbon monoxide......you know what we breath out and what plants need to survive. He demands of the people to conserve, while on his ranch he amasses $20,000 a month electric bills.

  3. 12:35 Do as he says, not as he does. Haha.

    Gore is a moron, and I wish that the money he stole could be returned to the people. Of course, if you're dumb enough to give him money for something that has been happening since the beginning of time... well, maybe you don't deserve it.


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