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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Germany Demands Obama Explain "American-Style Stasi Methods"

When even Zee Germans are staring open-mouthed at what they call "American-style Stasi methods" you know things have got a little out of hand. As Reuters reports [6], German outrage over a U.S. Internet spying program has broken out ahead of a visit by Barack Obama, with ministers demanding the president provide a full explanation when he lands in Berlin next week and one official likening the tactics to those of the East German Stasi. "The more a society monitors, controls and observes its citizens, the less free it is," Merkel's Justice Minister exclaimed, adding, "the suspicion of excessive surveillance of communication is so alarming that it cannot be ignored." While Obama has defended it as a "modest encroachment" on privacy and reassured Americans that no one is listening to their phone calls, the Germans reflect "I thought this era had ended when the DDR fell."



  1. It's pretty bad when the current leader of the country historically originating the greatest atrocities on its own citizens remarks on what our government is doing to us.

    Like them in history - we elected him and gave him the power he is using against us...

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it!

    1. "We" did NOT elect him 3:22pm. I and all of my family voted against him twice. Non-thinking Democrats, arm in arm with liberal queers, illegal/legal immigrants, life long generational welfare dependants and many other self-servers, always suckling at the trough of Free, elected him. Barry Sorento was born in a foreign country, a yet to be charged or convicted criminal, possessing two United States Social Security numbers, in order to claim his foreign Free ride in life, a known homosexual, prior to turning into a married ?straight? man, a dozen years ago or so, all for the purpose of representing big money foreign powers, as their laacke and mouthpiece in the white house. Their collaboration is and was intended to bring our country, to it's knees, monetarily, spiritually and force us into the fold of euro domination. Americans "Never" vote for traitors like Barry Sorento, because their common sense helps them to recognize a foreign muslim traitor to our Constitution of the United States of America. True working class Americans will forever continue to uphold "their Constitution", until their death. Any lose of free thought, free movement, or free speech by Barry Sorento and like minded traitors will be considered "WAR" on it's true principled American citizens. Barry and gang are not us, they're foreign sympathizers, traitors to 200 year old American freedoms.

  2. Can you imagine? It's gonna be our citizens that will have to be freed from our government someday. Wonder which country will step up to the plate.

  3. Wouldn't it be ironic if the German people had to walk us through our prisons, detention centers, hospitals, you name it, just like we did to them and the Austrians after WWII?

    We fought and died to give them back their freedoms and rights only to give ours away like they did.

    How much is enough America?


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