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Thursday, June 13, 2013

German Government Brands Goods Made in Factories That Are Owned by Jews

In a throwback to its darkest past, the German government recently decided to back an initiative which singles out Jewish-owned businesses and targets them for detrimental treatment. Joining 13 other European Union members, Berlin has reportedly agreed to support efforts aimed at applying special labels of origin to products manufactured by Jewish owned factories in Judea and Samaria.

The goal is to harm the livelihood of Jewish businessmen and entrepreneurs as a way of undermining the settlement enterprise. Needless to say, goods made by Palestinian-run plants in the territories will not similarly be branded.



  1. Obama supports this kind of thinking, he supports all of the Muslim nations with money and policy, these Muslim nations Hate Jews and according to their Koran, they have to kill Jews to please Allah!

  2. not good friends...

  3. 9:17 Germany is a "muslim nation"? Comical.

    They can do whatever they want. Frankly, I would prefer to only see food made in the US at our stores, but the FDA and USDA have to keep those foreign kick backs coming.


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