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Sunday, June 16, 2013

George W. Bush Back In Favor? His Ratings Make A Surprising Jump

More Americans now view Goerge W. Bush favorably than unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll. It's typical for ex-presidents to see their ratings rise, but Mr. Bush's jump is significant.

Former president George W. Bush’s popularity is ticking up. For the first time since 2005, Americans’ opinions of him are more positive than negative.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday found 49 percent of Americans view him favorably and 46 percent unfavorably.

Mr. Bush has chosen to remain largely out of the public eye since leaving the White House. He told CNN last year that “Eight years was awesome, and I was famous and I was powerful but I have no desire for fame and power any more.”



  1. I am a demoocrat and he has my Vote.

  2. That makes no sense whatsoever.Are multiple wars going on at the same time what it takes to be popular?

  3. Don't let all the critics and the cynics come out now & praise the man. Where were they the first 4 years of B.O.'s debacle???

    I have more respect for George W. Bush's little finger than I would ever have for B.O.

    Sooner ot later, America will realize what a great man & leader they had in W.

  4. 1:50
    I think it goes back to " You don't know what you got til it's gone". I have always liked him. I didn't always agree with everything he did, but in my heart I believe he thought he was doing the right thing.

  5. President Bush is a man of honor much, much more than what is taking residence in the White House now. I didn't all the time agree with every decision, but I knew President Bush would keep our country safe, and his word meant something to Americans and to other nations. Not so with obama.

  6. W was genuine, not a fraud like what we have now. His family has served this country forever and we owe them our thanks and respect.

  7. I will take President Bush over the Muslim any day. President Bush is almost daily visiting with veterans and American Soldiers. What does the Muslim and his wife do? Visits with Muslim terrorist's who set off bombs in America to kill Americans. What has been done about this treason? Not a damn thing has been done and this proves the majority of Americans don't care.

  8. Why is there even a ratings poll about him in the first place?

  9. Anonymous said...
    I am a demoocrat and he has my Vote.

    June 13, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    I wouldn't tell anyone or admit it.

  10. Easy to happen after 4+ years with the presnet POTUSA.

  11. Ya, Bush was an angel compared to Obama. I want my Bush back. LOL

  12. George Bush is a war criminal. He has been tried, in absentia, and convicted for his crimes against humanity. He's a criminal and will always be a criminal.

  13. ginn said...
    George Bush is a war criminal. He has been tried, in absentia, and convicted for his crimes against humanity. He's a criminal and will always be a criminal.

    June 16, 2013 at 10:17 PM

    When and where did this happen?

  14. 12:44-That person is referencing the court of public opinion.


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