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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Eye On Annapolis: Gansler To Announce Gubernatorial Bid In Sept

Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler will formally announce his candidacy for governor in September, making official what most have long expected.

Gansler had previously said he would decide whether to run and make a formal announcement sometime this fall. In an email sent by his campaign on Tuesday, campaign manager Carrie Glenn pegged September for the announcement.

“When Doug formally announces his candidacy in September it will be built on a foundation of policy and ideas, not politics or fundraising.” Glenn said. “Doug will bring to this race ideas, policies and a proven record of getting things done. That’s what voters care about.”


  1. Getting things done? This translates into more liberal BS and more taxes. That's all the dems have. Elect anybody but a democrat! Haven't we had enough of Obama, O'Malley, etc?

  2. Rumor has it that Mayor Jimbo might be his running mate.

  3. 2:49 if you vote for any Democrat you are ignorant. Question? For what reason would you vote for him? What has he accomplished?

  4. We have lobbyist making over a million per year... yeah, it won't "be about fundraising". Crooked a$$ mofo's.

  5. Meet your next governor.

  6. He and Jim Ireton would make quite a pair. If they run I will have several letters to the Editor ready for the metropolitan Maryland newspapers. In my opinion, neither Gansler or Ireton have done their jobs. I voted for both, although didn't support Ireton this time around. Once fooled.


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