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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

EPA Accused Of Singling Out Conservative Groups, Amid IRS Scandal

It's not just the IRS.

A second federal agency is facing a probe and accusations of political bias over its alleged targeting of conservative groups.

The allegations concern the Environmental Protection Agency, which is being accused of trying to charge conservative groups fees while largely exempting liberal groups. The fees applied to Freedom of Information Act requests -- allegedly, the EPA waived them for liberal groups far more often than it did for conservative ones.

The allegations are under investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is also holding hearings on the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups.


  1. The EPA should be worried about what they're spraying over our heads even as I type this. Those lines in the sky aren't real clouds and they're not con trails. Google "geo engineering"

  2. Contrails were prevalent during WWII from high altitude bombers. How do you explain that 12:21?

    With that said, I believe it's a strong possibility there may be additives in jet fuel.
    for what purpose?
    Who knows.

  3. 1:09 for starters a contrail or condensation trail will dissipate after a few seconds. A chemtrail starts small and expands over a couple of hours to blanket the sky. It happens almost daily over our heads right here on the shore. If you are out at 7 am at least 3 or 4 times a week. Always the day before forecasted rain and every Monday for some reason. There were no less than four high altitude aircraft spraying and criss crossing our sky this morning.

  4. There is an Air Force whistle blower by the name of Kristen Megan who has some of the answers which definetly call for further investigation.

  5. EPA. Just another agency of Obama that he will use against us.


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