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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

DOJ Regards Criticism Of Islam, Obama As Criminal?

U.S. attorney who vowed to punish anti-Muslim rhetoric also prosecuted 'birther'
The U.S. attorney who warned last week that “inflammatory speech” against Islam could violate civil-rights laws was the prosecutor who brought firearms charges against a Navy veteran who challenged the validity of President Obama’s birth certificate.

William Killian, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, made the warning in a slide presentation June 4 in Manchester, Tenn.



  1. Of course! Because Obama is protecting him and his job! Remember, they are buddies!

  2. Well, I hope I have the constitution of the United States of America in front of me and behind my back with this statement. I don't give a damn about Islam or any Muslims. As far as I am concerned, they can pack sand. As an American, and a veteran, my name is John Riggin and I live in Delmar. Hell somebody has to stand up.

  3. Our own government prosecutors are telling us that freedom of speech is only protected when you say things they agree with. Go to New York City. You can easily find Muslims on street corners and in front of mosques SCREAMING about the need to kill westerners and infidels. Calling for the destruction of America. Not one prosecutor says "we're going to bring charges for that." But say something about killing muslims and you won't be on the street for 20 minutes and you'll be looking at a 5-15 stretch in prison. Free speech? Not for everyone. And obama? He can kiss my ace. Good thing I don't live in Tennessee, huh?

  4. Look at Europe it is being destroyed by Radical Islam, and the SO-Called "Moderate Muslims are doing NOTHING, Wake Up America it here and getting Worse by the Day.


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