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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Do You Agree?


  1. It is absolutely true. I hope many parents are reading this.

  2. Totally agree. The child will have no respect for anyone or anything.

  3. Witness it first hand!!

  4. I don't see where there is room for any dissention with this fact...

  5. I also believe you must have self-respect before you can respect anyone or anything else. That is one of the biggest problems we face.

  6. this is true, but it's now generational and has become a real problem in our culture.

  7. 8:19 Please explain dissention with this fact. There is no such word as DISSENTION. You must be a liberal Democrat or a Muslim.

  8. Problem is, fear and respect are different.

    Also, I'm an 3rd party atheist and when I was 17 I went vegan. My parents flipped the heck out, but I held my ground. They insisted on screaming matches and pressuring me into just staying vegetarian but I had done a TON of research and stayed calm through everything. Also my dad would go on my computer and leave nasty suprises for when I'd get home from school.

    Respect and obedience are different things as well, but remember respect is something to be earned, and if you act like a couple of 2 year olds to try to get your kid to do what they want it's not gonna work. They could have just went and had a calm discussion with me and I could have assuaded their fesrs, and I tried to hanve that convo many times, at one point to get them to shut up I just insisted on going to the doctor and funny thing is, all the resources she shared with me were ones I was already using. Took all my willpower to not say "In your face!" to my folks.

  9. 10:38 missed the point.

  10. I agree absolutely. All children need to grow up being taught respect for themselves parents and others. Not teaching them this is what's wrong with kids today.

  11. Agree completely. Some parents are worse than their kids, so they don't even have a shot. *cough* west side *cough*

  12. Respect is earned not an entitlement.

  13. 10:38 - Please look it up.. 'DISSENTION' is the English (British) spelling... 'DISSENCION' is the American English spelling.. derived from the word 'DISSENT'.... As in many of the words in use in our global society today, either spelling is acceptable and neither is preferred..

  14. probo June 1, 2013 at 11:12 AM, You shud him\hir thir non edumacated way.

  15. This is very true. In that pattern of thinking it also holds that when one parent teaches the children that men/women are to be treated poorly by being disrespectful to their spouse in front of the children the child will have trouble with relationships the rest of his/her life as well.

  16. This is assuming that the parents are respectable people, which is not always the case.

  17. Children imitate what they see and hear at home. If a child is not paid much attention by parents, alone on their own most of the time, they follow their friends and the neighborhood

  18. I agree 8:24am

    "I agree absolutely. All children need to grow up being taught respect for themselves parents and others. Not teaching them this is what's wrong with kids today."

  19. A lot of children don't have respectful parents/guardians, and that is where the problem begins. So many children are left on their own and as has been mentioned follow other children that have not been raised by loving parents that care. And these are our future. A very scary thought.


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