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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Congressman Harris: At What Point Do We Protect Human Life?

I’ve helped deliver babies for nearly 30 years, so I was proud to vote tonight in favor of protecting children who are able to feel pain from abortion.

After the horror of Kermit Gosnell, we need to do more to protect women and children.

“If we find [abortion] so horrendous one minute after birth, shouldn’t it be horrendous one minute before birth? And if it’s one minute before birth, how about one week? How about one month? How about two months?” 

I encourage you to WATCH my speech in favor of this important legislation and LIKE if you think more needs to be done to protect women and their children


  1. What is the plan for these unwanted children once they are born? You got a plan to take care of them?

    1. So just kill them is what ur saying?

    2. Their parents will take care of them. Wanted or not, its their RESPONSIBILITY. If you dont want to have babies, stop having UNPROTECTED SEX, DUH,

  2. For being an educated person, Congressman Harris makes a terrible argument.

  3. How would you like someone to punch some scissors in your head and suck out your brain? That's what they are doing to these babies. Doesn't matter if they are one minute old, or an adult that is 35, it's still murder.

    1. I agree....what if ur mothers did the same.

  4. 12:37
    They are not our responsibility. People need to be responsible for their own actions. If they don't want children they can use birth control. Several different types of it at once if needed. If they decide to have the child...again it is THEIR responsibility not anyone elses.

  5. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 20, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    12:37 & 1:15 I case you missed it, this is the case of protecting 20 week old babies from abortion. It is about saving innocent human life from being killed. It is not about who takes care of who. There are couples wishing to have a baby or two and can't have any. Andy Harris makes great point and I agree with him. I also know a lot of Democrats will vote against it, because they have created so called Planned Parenthood, which suppose to be "helping" parents and children. In reality they traded lives of the babies for money. Why would any of them vote NO? Because by votng YES they would LOOSE A LOT OF MONEY COMING TO THEM.

  6. You do realize how much it costs society to raise and probably place in prison an unwanted baby right?


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