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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

California Elementary School Holds A Toy Gun Buyback

Charles Hill, principal of Strobridge Elementary School in Hayward, Calif., isn't a fan of toy guns or the effect he believes they have on kids. "Playing with toy guns, saying 'I'm going to shoot you,' desensitizes them, so as they get older, it's easier for them to use a real gun," he said. That's why, last Saturday, Hill organized a toy gun trade-in program at his school. In exchange for their faux firearms, kids could get free books and a shot at a new bike. As part of the safety-themed event, police officers and firefighters also came in to talk to the kids. Hey, can't be too safe. [Source]


  1. Might as well trade them dresses, makeup, glitter and makeup and a coupon for a sex change operation while they're at it. Commiefornia... not even once.

  2. Brilliant.Hilarious but brilliant.

  3. Just part of obama and holder and the true leaders of the world that holder and obama listen to, plan to sanitize you and brainwash you about guns...

    Holder is on public record saying they need to have more campaigns and the like to show that guns are bad and we don't need them and the rest of the crap...

    they said the only way it works is to keep saying it and keep doing it... Like they have been...

    Right now they are scheming on what to do next to get you "TO WANT more gun laws and the like"

  4. Every kid I grew up with played "Cowboys and Indians", "cops and robbers", Army, and a host of other gun games. NONE of us grew up "desensitized" to killing, robbing, and murder. There is a HUGE difference in shooting a BB gun or saying "pow pow pow" and running off 30 rounds from a MAC-10 or a .30-.30 rifle. What is in the water out there that people from California keep coming up with this stuff?

  5. If playing with a toy gun desensitizes kids, why isn't this guy screaming about the movie industry and the video game makers?

  6. Sharia on its Way.

  7. The joke is on us, but it is not funny. Not by any damn stretch of the imagination.

  8. ".. and a shot at a new bike."...
    Right..with my son and daughter's "Red Ryder" (for those that do not understand..that is a Daisy BB gun that has been around.. like forever!)


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