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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Boy Who Made Gun-Shaped Pastry Has Appeal Denied

The family of an Anne Arundel County elementary school student will not be able to get their son's record cleared after he was suspended for a headline-making gun incident earlier this year.

Park Elementary School second-grader Josh Welch, 7, got in trouble on March 1 after school officials said he formed a breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun.

The Baltimore Sun reported that school officials denied the boy's family's appeal on Monday.

The 7-year-old's suspension made national headlines after the incident happened. The boy's father, B.J. Welch, was furious about the punishment.


  1. welcome to liberal america

  2. It's really time to blow off the appeal process altogether, charge the BOE with the defamation crime they are truly guilty of, and sue them for the costs of putting the child in a private school that respects the inventiveness of young minds. Stop being a victim, and take control.

  3. He will just have to eat his penalty .
    Hope he don't get stressed and put the end of the pastry in his mouth and pull the berry trigger.

  4. Nobody is going to care how he ate a poptart when he was 7, and these education administrators are complete idiots. An appeal to clear a record is only going to cost you money and time. Why bother with it? The true lesson is that the child and his peers realize that the education system has not been set up for their benefit.

  5. Thats the world u guys want.. Deal with it ..the child knew what he was doing. His parents r to blame..

  6. The sugar was also dangerous!

  7. It's time for conservatives to start kicking ass and taking names. The appeal process obviously doesn't work for conservatives so it's time to start fighting back. Mr. Welch needs to be a man and kick some butt when he runs into these liberals in public. We as Americans need to start fighting back to save our rights.

    What you will start seeing is conservatives starting to kick butt in the streets and then local militia's forming and fighting back. I hate to say it, but eventually blood will be shed to get America back. If not we have lost all our rights that our forefathers fought for.

    I beg you real Americans to start standing up for your rights and fight back.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Thats the world u guys want.. Deal with it ..the child knew what he was doing. His parents r to blame..

    June 12, 2013 at 11:02 AM

    Guess what goof ball, he didn't do anything wrong. There is no blame to be given. This is America and we have the right to bear arms. We have the right to eat a pop tart any way we want to. We have a right as kids to play cops and robbers. We have a right as kids to play cowboys and Indians. We have a right to put a gun rack in the back window of our pick ups and ride around with our guns proudly displayed in the gun rack.

    You sir can go pack fudge with Obammie.

  9. you keep voting democrats in so DEAL with it people!


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