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Saturday, June 01, 2013

Blame The President For Benghazi

When the American mission in Benghazi, Libya was attacked on September 11th, 2012, only one person had the positional authority, legal mandate, and communications apparatus to give the order to defend our personnel on the ground: the President of the United States.

The President did not give that order, and four Americans died in Benghazi that day. All the rest of the nonsense to which we have been treated–from prepared talking points, congressional hearings, and finally to the outright lies–matter not when compared to the ignominious moments in which the President of the United States refused to do his job.



  1. We all know Obama is incompetent, a liar and is using the presidency for his and Michelle piggy bank, vacations and playing big shot with his rich hollywood kind. He really doesn't care what happens to the American people.

  2. When the democrat machine elects a non citizen American hating Muslim, what do you expect?

  3. at my age (66); this is by far the worst president we've ever had. I know it's hard to believe someone could be worse than jimmy carter, but he is.


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