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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Beach Town Cracks Down: Wildwood, N.J., Bans Saggy Pants

WILDWOOD, N.J. - Mayor Ernest Troiano Jr. thinks he’s found a way to put one of this Jersey shore resort town’s problems behind it. Wildwood is ready to ban overly saggy pants, no ifs, ands or butts.

The city is set to pass a law Wednesday regulating how people dress on its boardwalk. It bans going shirtless, as well as walking on the boardwalk with bare feet.

But the provision that has gained widespread attention is a prohibition on pants that sag more than 3 inches below the hips, exposing either skin or underwear. Troiano said Wildwood has been inundated with complaints from tourists upon whose money the popular beach town depends for its survival.



  1. good......bring it to salisbury.

  2. I wish Ocean City would enforce something like that! We were there as a family last Sunday, and I thought we were in Gangland. It was horrible! I don't think we'll visit OC until the off season!

  3. Good. OC Maryland should do the same except there are to many liberal O'Malley Democrats there with no gonads. They also have to many commissioners that just kiss babies and smack hands with a ruler.

  4. Ok, Ocean City, MD, your turn to do the same.

  5. you dont like looking at dookie undies?

  6. Good for them! Who wants to see a bunch of ex-convict flamer wannabees walking around?!

  7. If you ask me its sexual harassment.

  8. Can we crack down on fat women in stretch pants, men with beer guts too?

  9. This is a sign of gang related activity. They think its cool to look like someone in prison. Give them their wish, put em there.

  10. 5:40 You ever been to the boardwalk and seen the disgusting adults in all kinds of dress? Saggy pants don't even come close.

  11. 6:24-Get out from under the rock you obviously live under. Saggy pants are indicative of gang/gang wanna be behavior. If that's okay with you then fine-go to West Baltimore on vacation but decent people do not want to be around the element of those with a gang mentality.

  12. Awesome- I agree with it 100% I said in another post that OC does need to do this.

    But no matter hard we try, we can not legislate these people out of stupidity. You just can't fix stupid.

  13. This could be more govt. grist for the mill of Peter Ayres Wimbrow, Esq., Worcester County's best civil liberties lawyer.

  14. We desperately need this in Ocean City.

  15. Keep the Government's hands off my clothes. The last thing we need is more Government interference in our lives. You are a bunch of sheeple

  16. Make more laws keep making them.I dont care how people dress do what you please but quit giving the government power to rule your every move. All you people should be ashamed for agreeing with this

  17. lol 836, I was thinking the same thing. Funny how folks here seem to decry big government interference UNTIL government stops someone from behaving in ways these commenters disagree with. Then they are all for a bit of intervention.

  18. This saggy pants dress could be looked at as a positive-as a way to easily identify the criminal element. To emulate prison garb is a clue that someone is not on the up and up. Decent moral society needs to watch these degenerates like a hawk, follow them, discriminate whatever it takes to make sure they don't steal, vandalize or commit some other crime which everyone knows is coming.

  19. This practice of wearing one's pants hung low is called "saggin" by white people...What does "saggin" spell backwards....sneaky white people.

  20. 7:01 Oh please and short skirts make a hooker.

  21. I see these people with the sagging pants and I know immediately they are from a lower class than myself and aren't fit to breath the same air as me.
    If I sound elitist than so be it.

  22. Think if I were still with OCPD I would confront them and require them to pull them up. If they failed I would find something to charge them with lol Used to be known as "Jack"s Law"

  23. Control how someone dresses? Tell me how America is the land of freedom. More like conform or else.

  24. There are certain indicators that people look at in the first few second meeting someone for the first time (or seeing them coming at you on the street) It would be nice if known criminals were tattooed and easily identified as things were in the past but now everyone has a tattoo. If I see someone coming toward me with sagging pants I immediately raise my guard because I see someone who wants to be identified as someone who is breaking with the normal excepted behavior. They may be innocent but they have chosen to identify themselves with a group that usually gives society a problem. I'm not hoping we will pass new laws or tell anyone how to dress or what to do with their lives because it makes things easier for us all if we can see someone and immediately know that this is not the person I want to be near. So what does your appearance say about you? A lot.

  25. Dude, pull the pants up. No one wants to see your behind, especially me as I am eating dinner. Gross.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Control how someone dresses? Tell me how America is the land of freedom. More like conform or else.

    June 16, 2013 at 8:40 AM

    Conform? Freedom?

    How about conforming to some class. Some respect for yourselves and other? Not being so base as to lower yourselves to the lowest common denominator?

    How about freedom from having to see this type of anti-social behavior? How about being free from having to see such primitive styles of dress? How about being free from being offended and disgusted by actions one might expect from a two year old?

    No one is dragging anyone out of their home in the middle of the night to shoot them for not conforming. Although it can and does happen in other less free countries.

    No one is being locked up for an unconventional style of dress.

    You have your freedom and no one is forcing you to conform to anything.

    There are requests and some social pressure to dress appropriately. Which falls on deaf ears.

    Do you think it's being rebellious to dress this way? Do you think it is cool?

    Or do you think it is an 'in-your-face' refusal to act civilized?

    Or maybe it's just a self=image thing.

    Personally, when I see it, I just think they are low class fools. A reflection of a certain groups' mentality and lack of upbringing.

    For the attention, good or bad? Succumbing to peer pressure to 'be different' by acting and dressing the SAME as their buddies?

    I wonder, do they dress this way when they go to a girls' home to pick her up for a date?

    Assuming of course the girl has both parents at home and the parents are ADULTS, not kids themselves.

    The crack ho's they most probably have to settle for probably dress the same as 'their man'.

    Both get what they deserve.


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