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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Another Month, And Job Losses Continue For Maryland Families

Maryland lost 5,700 jobs in May according to the latest available numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Maryland(-.2%) also saw the highest jump in its unemployment rate in the mid-Atlantic region from 6.5% to 6.7%.

"Every month in Maryland is like Groundhog's Day - over and over again we hear this administration talk about jobs, yet more times than not, Maryland families wake up to learn once again our state has lost jobs," said Larry Hogan. "Career politicians think that if they say something enough times, it will eventually become true. And while the O'Malley / Brown administration likes to talk about jobs, the cold harsh reality is that 5,700 hard working Marylanders lost their job last month."

More Hogan: "The time for results is long overdue and the O'Malley / Brown administration has no more excuses left. They have been at the helm of our state's economy for seven years, there is no one else to blame for these job losses. The need for real change in Maryland has never been more clear."

Nationwide, the employment rates in 25 states jumped in May while 17 states saw their unemployment rates increase. Only Louisiana(-.4%) and Tennessee (-.3%) experienced higher increases in their unemployment rates for May.

You can find the complete data at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/laus.t03.htm


  1. Democrats don't understand that you just can not continue to raise taxes in order to bail out irresponsible spending. I'm lucky. My mailing address is Delmar Maryland but I'm in Wicomico Co. Most all my purchases are made in Delaware.

  2. Democrats are useless leaches...expanded the welfare nanny state..get out of md while you can...


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